Qixi – Foundational story

Through my partner’s presentation- Qixi, i was able to identify various examples of how that particular story had been retold in children’s books, songs and revisioned in movies and TV serials. The story has been an inspiration for 2 festivals in Japan and Korea.The story has also been alluded to in jewellery. The characters are also often represented by birds.

The story is quite significant in China’s culture. It is not losing its significance as it has been revisioned in various popular formats. This story is also significant in Japan and Korea. In a lot of modern versions of the story, there are minor changes as to who has written the plot, who plays the characters, features of the characters etc…

Unfortunately, stories like these are losing the place they once held in society. These stories were also very prevalent around the world but are becoming less prevalent nowadays.Therefore, these stories are sometimes revisioned and retold in various forms to entertain people but convey their message at the same time while also ensuring that important aspects of a culture are not lost in today’s world.

My partner’s presentation-


Thank you…

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