Grade 9 Science Reflection

After getting paper 4/6 back, i feel like i should focus more on getting key words integrated into my answer and also focus more on method writing. I feel like this,  because i lost a lot of marks in the exam because of making mistakes in the method writing and not mentioning key words in my answers.


Looking forward, i wish to be mindful of these things as well as practice more past papers. This time i did not practice a lot of past papers but maybe th

Personal Statement

I could be best described as a person who loves adventures, is spontaneous and  dependable. My goal for the future is to develop my cooking skills, participate in additional dance activities and read more. These goals have formed because of the experiences that i’ve had in the past.

Reading is something that I’ve enjoyed since a fairly long time. I had always been mesmerised by the multitudinous characters that different authors have created and their life stories. Reading books is something that I wish to continue throughout my life. Reading about different places has also led me to want to see every corner of the world. It is certain that i will not be able to see every corner of the world, but i wish to see as many places as i can. During the trips that i have taken in the past, i have come across various cultures, all of which i have found to be very riveting, in particular the cuisine and the dances. Through these experiences, i have also developed my love for dance and cooking.

Going forward, my plan to achieve my goal is to divide it in smaller parts. My ultimate goal is just to continue these activities alongside academics.  I aim to participate in at least 2 dance events , learn to cook at least 5 new dishes and read 20 books by the end of Grade 10. To achieve these goals i will sign up for 2 dance events in Grade 10. I will learn to cook new dishes either from a cookbook or the internet, once in at least 3 months. Alongside, to attain my goal of reading 20 books in the successive grade, i would strive to read at least 1 1/2 or 2 books in a month. As for travelling, i do not have any set goals in mind that i wish to attain.

To conclude, i feel that the goals that i have set for myself to complete in Grade 10 are quite achievable. I would like to enter Grade 10 with a positive mindset and adequate resources and time to attain these goals. That could be ensured by updating my journals and booklets in each of my subjects now, so that i do not struggle to achieve these goals because of bad time management/academic pressure.


Thank You


Macbeth- Appreciation for the original Elizabethan language.

“What thou art promised; yet do i fear thy nature, It is too full o’th’milk of human kindness.” ( Act 1 Scene 5, lines 14 to 15 ). Lady Macbeth uses a metaphor to apprise the audience of Macbeth’s fair nature, where he would not play false to gain anything. This quote is a classic instance of dramatic irony as we discover later, the quote also presents the maniupulative nature of Lady Macbeth and how she is ready to play false to gain the throne.” Your hand, your tongue; look like th’innocent flower, But be the serpent under’t.” ( Act 1, Scene 5, lines 63 to 64). Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that he should act like a flower, sweet and innocent, but be a serpent in reality. She uses a simile to further emphasize on these thoughts. This quote informs the audience of Lady’s Macbeth’s cunning nature and menacing intentions. ” ” Some holy angel, fly to the court of England.” ( Act 3, Scene 6, Lines 46 to 47) Lennox uses a metaphor to tell the lord that he does not trust Macbeth and he wants Scotland to be peaceful again.