What role does poetry play in your life ?

Poetry, sometimes treated like the less affluent cousin of plays and novels, holds no less influence than either of them. I think a good poem is worth its weight in gold. This is because poems have the power of communicating an important idea in just a few words. To me personally, Poems are quite like chocolate milkshakes, I enjoy one every once in a while.

I tend to experience poems by relating the expressed ideas/feelings to something that I may have experienced in my own life. For example- When reading a poem about a beautiful sunset, I try to reminisce a time when I saw a magnificent one. Alongside, I turn to poems for inspiration when I feel low. I do this by reading poems about somebody’s struggles or about how someone overcame their fear of something.

Reading these pieces never leaves me uninspired. These poems are like a pillar of solidarity for me to hold onto during low moments. Lastly, there are many wonderful poems out there that one can read just for the sheer pleasure of it, they aren’t any less entertaining than mainstream literature. In hindsight, poems are like a hidden paradise that is yet to be discovered by the masses, but when this paradise is discovered it will become the peoples’ favourite for a long time.

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