PSE Emotional Intelligence Reflection

1.What 3 emotional intelligence factors do you think you do well?

I think that the factors that I do well on are understanding my strengths and weaknesses, disconnecting and embracing change. I believe so, because I reflect on my strengths and weaknesses quite often, taking note of everything that I have done well and what I need to improve on and how I can do so. I disconnect often as I feel that there should be a balance in my work and my life. I do this by taking regular breaks while working. Another thing that I do well is embrace change, which is because I have seen a lot of change in my life (moving to various places with varying cultures and people). I also embrace change in my daily life as i do not like monotony.

2. What 3 emotional intelligence factors do you want to improve?

I want to improve upon the quality of not seeking perfection as I have had severe problems in the past over wanting things to be a certain way which isn’t always possible. I could also improve on the factor of not holding grudges against people as I tend to do that quite often. I also hope to improve on stopping negative self talk in its tracks.

3.What specific steps can you take to do this?

I think that I can improve on these areas, firstly, by mastering the art of letting go. I could ensure that I understand that what I want in terms of perfection, might not be possible in that situation. Alongside, letting things go will also ensure that I don’t hold grudges against people. I would become more accepting of them and move on. Lastly, I hope to solve the problem of negative talk by reminding myself to come out of it whenever I begin to do so. I could also do this by raising my self-confidence (by listening to motivating talks, etc…), which would ensure that I don’t feel as though I can’t do something and start being pessimistic about it.

Culturama First Reflection

The first few sessions of Culturama went quite well as I got to work with many people and I also learnt some new choreography. During this activity, I collaborated with my dance leaders to ensure that their version of the dance could be achieved. I also collaborated with other dancers while working on formations, rehearsing the choreography and matching the timing. I think that it was very easy to work together in this project because there were set right and wrongs because the choreography was set, there was no room for interpretation, which meant that no one had differing ideas which could lead to conflict potentially. A challenge that we did face while working together was socially distancing. Sometimes, this was hard to do while switching formations and while rehearsing together. We overcame these challenges by going through the switches slowly to see if we could do them without breaking social distancing rules, if we couldn’t, we changed the switch.

While rehearsing, we overcame this challenge by being conscious of these rules always. I think that in this way, we could overcome all our challenges. Collaboration was especially important to achieve this goal because the dance could not have been executed without collaborating with each other. To become a better team player in the future, I think that I could improve my listening and awareness of my surroundings.

IFP First Reflection

The first IFP sessions went quite well. We completed an activity wherein we had to build a lego structure with specific goals in mind which we couldn’t tell anybody else about. While striving to accomplish our goals there came a point where we were inevitably against the goals of someone else. The fact that we couldn’t verbally communicate made it very hard for us to explain to each other that we were not trying to sabotage their goals but just accomplish ours. This was a great exercise for enhancing our communication skills as we realised how important they were quiet soon. After the activity was over, we sat down together and reflected on what we could have potentially done better. The unanimous idea was that we needed to be more patient and understanding towards each other.

Through IFP, I hope to show commitment and resilience. This is because attending IFP sessions every week from 4.30-6.00 commitment and perseverance. It is especially important to remain committed to the activity for the final outcome to be successful. I maintained my motivation for this activity by thinking of the final outcome (learning about peace building and putting it into application). Others helped me maintain my commitment levels by encouraging me to push forward when I was tired or tried to motivate me by reminding me of the wonderful opportunity that this is.


Something that affected my commitment levels a lot was that I had a lot of deadlines/tests surrounding the days of the sessions so it was quite difficult for me to remain motivated to attend all the sessions. However, I did attend all sessions by utilising my time from 3-4.30 to complete all pending tasks. This also taught me self management.