The first few sessions of Culturama went quite well as I got to work with many people and I also learnt some new choreography. During this activity, I collaborated with my dance leaders to ensure that their version of the dance could be achieved. I also collaborated with other dancers while working on formations, rehearsing the choreography and matching the timing. I think that it was very easy to work together in this project because there were set right and wrongs because the choreography was set, there was no room for interpretation, which meant that no one had differing ideas which could lead to conflict potentially. A challenge that we did face while working together was socially distancing. Sometimes, this was hard to do while switching formations and while rehearsing together. We overcame these challenges by going through the switches slowly to see if we could do them without breaking social distancing rules, if we couldn’t, we changed the switch.
While rehearsing, we overcame this challenge by being conscious of these rules always. I think that in this way, we could overcome all our challenges. Collaboration was especially important to achieve this goal because the dance could not have been executed without collaborating with each other. To become a better team player in the future, I think that I could improve my listening and awareness of my surroundings.