Internship- Final Reflection

What were your goals, objectives and expectations?

At the beginning of my internship period, I was very focused on learning more about sustainability and how this idea connects to economics. I was also quite interested in understanding more about the structure of a business.

How did you visualise your work day? How different was it from your actual experience?

I visualised my work day as involving a lot more meetings than there actually were. I also thought that I would be assigned more collaborative tasks with the other interns. On the other hand, I had not imagined that my interests would be taken into account when I was being assigned tasks, but they were.

How much of your intended goals were met?

I think most of my intended goals were met as I did learn quite a lot about how circular economy leads to sustainable economic growth.

What might have been some strategies that helped you achieve these goals?

What mistakes did you make along the way?

How have these mistakes shaped your learning?


Dos and donts, how might you have done things differently, hacks to make the process easier, tried and tested strategies

Express gratitude, appreciate a recommendation letter from you (use a business letter template)

IFP Fifth Reflection

In the audio clip below, I have discussed the following questions:

  • How did I maintain my motivation for this activity?
  • What impact did my commitment have on the success of this activity?
  • What things affected my commitment levels, ability to persevere or resolve?
Audio Player


Service Exec Fifth Reflection

In the audio clip below, I have answered the following questions:



Kampot Khmer Global Concern Fifth Reflection

In the audio clip below, I have discussed the following questions:


Yoga Second Reflection

In the audio clip below, I have discussed the following questions:

  • What am I good at? What are my strengths?
  • What would I like to improve?
  • Have I improved and in what areas? How do I know?
  • Why have I struggled in some areas/
Audio Player

Humanities Magazine Fourth Reflection

In the audio below, I have discussed the following questions:

  • What was it about this activity that I found challenging/difficult?
  • How will I approach a challenge like this in the future?
  • What new skills have I developed in this activity?
  • How can I use the skills I developed in this activity in other areas of my life?
Audio Player