Macbeth- Act 1

Differentiate between the direct and indirect characterisation Shakespeare uses in order to construct his characters.

In Act 1 of Macbeth, Shakespeare uses a lot of direct as well as indirect characterisation to construct his characters. We see an example of indirect characterisation when an injured Captain tells King Duncan about Macbeth’s contribution in their side winning the war and his heroics in the battlefield (1.2.16). This event leads to Macbeth being given the title of “Thane of Cawdor” by King Duncan. This is an example of indirect characterisation as the audience has been influenced by the captain’s words and believes that Macbeth is a valiant man, but is he ?


An example of direct characterisation would be when Macbeth tells Banquo that his children shall be kings, as prophecised  by the witches. This shows the audience that Macbeth believes people easily and is curious about things that concern him ( like the witches’ prophecies, which he takes seriously unlike Banquo)(1.3.67-83). Another example of direct charcterisation would be when Macbeth is in his aside, ( A dramatic function wherein the character speaks to the audience but is unheard by other characters.) where he thinks that he would be king as that would be after he became the ‘Thane of Cawdor” ( which he did) as the witches had prophecised. The audience understands that he is quite ambitious and disloyal after listening to his murderous thoughts(1.3.26-141).


We understand that even though Macbeth is ambitious he would not play false to win and is full of kindness, by Lady Macbeth’s indirect characterisation of him (1.5.17-19). Shakespeare again uses direct characterisation by showing Macbeth’s soliloquy,( A dramatic device wherein the main character is alone on stage, revealing his/her innermost thoughts.) where he contemplates whether he should kill Duncan or not, “To kill or not to kill?” and tries to talk himself out of it in fear of the consequences of doing so. By listening to this, the audience comprehends that Macbeth, even though disloyal, will not kill the king as he is afraid to be caught and somewhat respects the king for his good work and virtues(1.7.1-25).


In the case of Macbeth, we see that most of the indirect characterisation done for him is not true barring Lady Macbeth’s. This reveals that Lady Macbeth is the only person who truly understands Macbeth. Macbeth acts as a ” serpent under the flower” for everyone else. As discerned by Lady Macbeth, even though Macbeth does not lack ambition, he does not false play and is kind. The use of direct and indirect characterisation adds a unique dimension to the play and as always Shakespeare produces magic out of his pen.


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