How can we help one another during the coronavirus outbreak ?

The coronavirus outbreak, ever since it began, has caused the world to change in multiple ways. The disease which has physically affected at least 2 million people has mentally affected many more. When people are introduced to the idea of staying at home in order to limit the spread of the coronavirus, they may not realise that it means not being able to meet friends/family for extended periods of time.

Alongside, living in isolation, being secluded from the rest of the world, causes many people to feel severe anxiety. In this situation, the feelings of loneliness and being trapped are quick to arise.Many of our family members/friends may be experiencing these feelings right now and we may be unaware. The objective of this post today is to help some people bridge that gap and help the people around them escape these feelings. In order to bridge this gap, the element of utmost importance would be communication.

Communicating with people around us, perhaps video-calling them once or twice a week can be a lot of help to them in these tough times. This is because this connection would make them realise that even though they cannot leave their house to physically meet their friends/family, they can still meet them virtually, hence they are not alone. Alongside, it would also be great for their mental health and ours to text them once a day, just to ask how they’re doing. Ultimately, we have to remember that we are all in this together.

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