SWOT analysis

Here is my SWOT analysis, obtained after doing the skills check.

S- A strength for me, useful in this project would definitely be time-management. This is because procrastination often leads to a work of sloppy quality. To ensure this does not happen, time needs to be managed well and certain tasks need to be prioritised.

W- A weakness i have is indecisiveness. This problem needs to be addressed and fixed soon, since it can lead to a lot of time being wasted over trivial matters.

O- This project could be a great opportunity to develop my communication skills, as I might be working with peers over the course of the project. Alongside, I hope this project gives me a chance to improve my written communication.

T- An obstacle I face is having other due assignments and tasks which I may have to prioritise over this task. This could lead to me spending little time on this project and not getting a chance to hone my skills that I had hoped would improve over the course of this project.

2 goals that I have set for myself-

  1. Improve written and oral communication.
  2. Try to reduce the time I spend on making decisions over less significant matters.


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