Reflection on the circuit breaker period 2

As this circuit breaker period continues and I find that I cannot go to school until the 24th of August, it would be fair to assume that I am disappointed. Even as the circuit breaker period gave me the time to reflect on my life, engage in various aspects of wellness and spend more time on my hobbies, it has taken away the joy of meeting my friends every morning.

It has forced me to stay at home, engage in online classes and have no or limited interaction with the world outside. However, even as it has inflicted all of these problems on me, I believe that it has given me something much greater in return. It has taught me to be patient and to understand that everyday is not going to be the same. It has taught me that I must enjoy every moment because tomorrow, I may not be able to experience that moment!

I do hope that a state of normalcy is restored around the world soon and we can go back to our normal lives with a better perspective of the world.


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