“Where books are burned, in the end, people will be burned.”

Before I watched the short film about book burning in Nazi Germany, I thought that people are free beings guided by their own thoughts and motivations but after watching the video, I realised how wrong I was.  I had thought that people would not be convinced to burn books by external sources, they would do so if they felt that way. However, after watching the video I thought that a dictator could convince people to do it quite easily.

Alongside, there are no specific types of books that are burnt, just what the dictators deem as “dangerous to society” which is quite ironic in a sense. The books burnt can be about anything, even nature. Books constitute a certain threat to some governments since they promote the expression of ideas and certain governments prohibit that idea. They can also help people understand the problems with their government, since “knowledge can take you anywhere” as said in the video.

Lastly, the quote in the title, has been proven true numerous times in history. Hence, we must be careful so as to not be motivated by a public figure to burn books, ever.

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