Clarisse describes different aspects of what the world was like “before,” according to her uncle. Gather details of what has changed and why.

Clarisse learns about many aspects of life from her uncle. Her perspective on her life currently is also heavily influenced by her uncle. She and her uncle seem to have a very close relationship, with him telling her all about the world of the past. Among many things that her uncle tells her, one is that there used to be front porches in front of homes, before. However, architects got rid of them in order to prevent conversation and idle sitting around.

Another thing that her uncle tells her is that there was a time when children did not kill each other. Back in the past, children were actually respectful of adults and their peers. Children of the past were friendly and responsible. However, the children of the present are quite different in this respect. Clarisse tells Montag that last year, six of her friends had been shot and ten had been in a car wreck, which is why she is afraid of children her age. Lastly, her uncle tells her that once upon a time, art wasn’t abstract, it actually had people or communicated things.

Through these examples, we can clearly see the amount of influence Clarisse’s uncle holds over her, since whatever she knows about the past, is from him.

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