IFP Third Reflection

A couple of sessions ago, we did an activity called the Jahs and Kays, where we were sorted into 2 different groups (countries) with varying financial conditions. I was in the group with the worse condition. We had to collaborate with other members of the group to create a monument for a national event when the other group came in and demanded to help us. Wary of their help we entered into discussions to ensure that they would not take any undue advantage of us. This helped me develop my communication and negotiation skills as I was one of the 3 members sent to the other groups to explain our beliefs and situation.

In the explanation to my team members, I realised that I wanted the other group to help our country as soon as possible. However, the other people in my group wanted to ensure that they had fully scrutinised every aspect of the other group’s plan to help us before agreeing. I wanted to present my own opinion to the other group as I was one of the chosen delegates to speak to them. However, my principles were against this decision. I believe that the wishes of the majority must be respected. So, my moral principles affected my decision to not go against my group and present my own opinion. However, this decision backfired as we were left without help by the end of the discussion. Thus, I think the interference of my morals did not help. As a result, I believe I have become less principled and more willing to go against my morals.

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