PSE Reflection

After the lessons on these topics; how prepared are you to recognise and respond to someone who is in a dangerous situation- why or why not? How did theses lessons clarify your thinking?

I think I feel quite prepared to recognise and intervene in situations where I can help someone. Now, I know about the different strategies that I can potentially use to help someone in danger, like removing them from the situation, being calm and calling the authorities if the matter escalates.i think the examples that were shown in the lessons really helped me understand what kind of problems one might be faced with and what I can do to help them.

Do you have biases? How did our lessons highlight these biases? or not? Do you feel equipped to recognise and or call out micro aggressions in our community? Why or why not?

I think I do have biases, everyone does. The lessons did not necessarily highlight these biases in the way that they told me what I am prejudiced for and against but they helped me realise that i must make an active effort to not let my biases hinder my thinking. I think I do feel equipped to recognise and call out biases in my community because i have been introduced to some examples of these in class, which makes it easier to identify them.

Name three key skills or understandings you gained this year from the PSE course this year ?

Understanding what to do in dangerous situations, managing time to study effectively, and learning about biases

What key skills or understandings do you most want to take forward into grade 12?

Making careful decisions about university applications, managing studying with well being time and trying to be as unbiased while making decisions as one possibly can

Beyond academics- what are some of your goals for grade 12?

Reading more books, discovering new places in Singapore, and cooking more often

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