English IO Reflection

* What do YOU think went well?

I think I was able to get across most of my points across and was quite clear on the overall thesis and the thesis for each of the texts and the overall bodies of work. The evaluative points for the Spring in the Trenches were also quite strong and I thought that I was able to present them in a logical structure.

* What parts of the IO were less convincing?

I think that the evaluative points for Carol Ann Duffy’s poem War photographer were weaker in comparison to the first text, both in terms of quality and the connections between the point and the succeeding. I also think I need to develop my conclusion further in the context of the relevance of the global issue. I also need to balance talking about the text and the body of work for Carol Ann Duffy.

* Were your bullet points helpful? If not, do you need to change/adapt them?

I think my bullet points were largely helpful except for the ones on Carol Ann Duffy’s because they were not structured well. Instead of writing out evidence, I will include the techniques and 1 or 2 pieces of evidence.

* How did you feel about the questions? How can you prepare more?

I feel quite confident about the questions because I know both my extracts really well. My knowledge of the body of work is also quite solid so I should be able to answer questions related to the knowledge and understanding of the extract. I would just work on ensuring that I give coherent answers for the questions. I would do this by practicing the question answering process with a peer.

* Review the peer examiner sheet: do you think your partner was accurate? Too generous? Why?

I think my partner was accurate in the understanding that my understanding of War photographer was weaker than my understanding of Spring in the Trenches. I think my partner was too generous while marking me for the connections between points because I think that is something that needs to be improved.

* What are the three key things you need to work on next week?

  • War photographer evaluative points
  • Connections between the evaluative points for War photographer
  • Develop the conclusion

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