Kampot Khmer Global Concern Sixth Reflection

Over the last 2 months, I have been participating in the GC as a transitionary chair there to assist the future leadership of the GC. At the beginning of the year, I helped new members of the GC familiarise themselves with the mission and vision of our GC and CLS. In the following sessions, I took feedback from them on how to improve as a group both within and outside our GC time. Then on, I began the leadership application process whereby I selected the new leadership team of the GC for this year with the help of both the teacher facilitators. This involved asking them to submit a short written application in the first stage. We then selected the candidates we wanted to interview.

During the interview we asked them to talk about everything, ranging from their past experiences to their strengths and weaknesses. After that, I met up with the teacher facilitators and we decided on the candidates we wished to go ahead with. On the other hand, the GC sessions went on as usual and we came up with a set of questions we wanted to ask our NGO partner during our first call. We also came up with a set of personal goals for this year. All in all, it has been a very productive half term.

A list of goals that we came up with during one of our sessions:

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