CAS Investigation
देवदास- पहला पाठ
शरतचंद्र की रची उपन्यास देवदास बहुत ही रोमांचक है। इस उपन्यास में कई सारे पात्र हैं परंतु मुख्य पात्र पार्वती एवं स्वयं देवदास है। उपन्यास की शुरुआत में ही लेखक ने देवदास के सारे अवगुणों का वर्णन किया है- वह अनुशासनहीन है, हिंसक है, हुक्का पीता है और उसका पढ़ने-लिखने में कोई मन नहीं है। दूसरी ओर वह पार्वती के किसी भी अवगुन को नहीं दर्शाते। वह सिर्फ़ पार्वती के गुणों का वर्णन करते है, जैसे की- वह स्पष्टवक़्ता है, साहसी है, उसका विश्वास अडिग है, वह निडर है एवं वह प्यार को एक पवित्र एहसास मानती है। जैसे-जैसे कहानी आगे बढ़ती है, लेखक पत्र शैली का इस्तेमाल करके कहानी को रोचक बनाते हैं।
The role of perspective in the “Little Red Cap”
Written in the year 1999, Little Red Cap is an atypical poem written by Carol Ann Duffy, which loosely resembles her own life. The poem takes an unusual spin on the classic fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood: a story which has graced the pages of children’s books forever. The poem’s most distinctive feature is the reversal of the power dynamic between Red Riding Hood (RRH) and the wolf; Duffy also puts to use a plethora of literary techniques to acquaint the reader with her version of the famous fairy tale. Duffy’s perspective plays an important role in this poem as the distinctiveness of the poem’s content is derived from her distinct interpretations of the original fairy tale, interpretations which may have been derived because of the circumstances she had experienced in life. Hence, frequent parallels may be drawn between her life and the Little Red Cap.
Duffy begins the poem by using symbolism and writes, “at childhood’s end” so as to signify that RRH is no longer a child in this poem, who society can rein, but has her own thoughts and perceptions. This detail establishes that all of RRH’s decisions described further along are a result of her thoughts, no one else’s. Duffy then uses visual imagery to describe the society that RRH lived in. Duffy remarks, “Allotments kept, like mistresses, by… married men, the silent railway line,”, these descriptions present the town Red riding hood lives in as “controlling” and “oppressive”. These descriptions conform to the traditional idea of a “society”, which deems the code of conduct for people. They also force the reader to question if RRH actually left because she wanted to escape from the domineering society she lived in and go somewhere she could be herself, without any inhibitions.
Next, Duffy uses visual imagery again by writing, “He stood in a clearing…a paperback in his hairy paw…what big teeth he had!”. In this instance, imagery is used to highlight the fact that RRH is quite fascinated with the wolf, and it is her who spots him first. She sees him as this magnificent creature who despite being hairy and old, is quite appealing. This is the first example of the reverse power dynamic present in this poem, as it is red riding hood who sees the wolf first. This also presents to the reader the concept that it is not always one gender (male) seeking the other (female). Next, Duffy writes, “I made quite sure he spotted me, sweet sixteen… bought me a drink”. Here, it is revealed that RRH tries to use the fact that she is young and innocent to get the wolf to approach her. In this instance, parallels can be drawn between the poem and Carol Ann Duffy’s life, since she was of a similar age when she started a relationship with an older man- Adrian Henry. These lines reveal that it was actually her who was seeking him and not the other way around. This presents to the reader the idea that there is more to the situation that meets the eye sometimes.
In the stanzas that follow, the relationship between RRH and the wolf is inspected and it is revealed that RRH is only using him to gain access to poetry. Duffy remarks, “You might ask why. Here’s why.Poetry”. These lines are used by Duffy to tell the readers that she has gone to be with the wolf to acquire poetry. In this instance, parallels can again be drawn between Duffy’s life and what the poem communicates, as she may have used this poem to reflect on her motivations in pursuing the relationship with Henry when she was young. This insight was provided by Duffy herself when, later in life, she had remarked, “it (the relationship) was full of poetry. Duffy next tells the readers how RRH gave her innocence away to the wolf, quite willingly, by remarking, ” went in search of a-white dove-which flew, from my hands to his hope mouth”. This contrasts with how society always presents females as being exploited and forced to give their innocence away, even though they could have done so out of their own will.
Lastly, Duffy portrays the ultimate end of RRH’s relationship with the wolf by depicting that she grew tired of the wolf and the forest, which had initially seemed quite alluring to her. Duffy writes, “it took ten years…mouth of a buried corpse…a greying wolf howls.” These descriptions reveal that RRH finds the woods disgusting and repulsive and the wolf- greying. At this point, the reader may also wonder if RRH grows tired of the wolf and the forest because she has used both wholly. The timeline of 10 years, here is especially crucial since that was the exact length of Duffy’s relationship with Henry. This overriding point provides enough evidence for us to presume that Duffy is, in fact telling her own story. In the following lines, Duffy reveals how RRH killed the wolf using an axe and left the forest. She writes, “I took an axe to the wolf…I come with my flowers… all alone.” These couple of lines indicate that RRH has killed the wolf and left the forest, signifying the end of their relationship and her “moving on from it”. Here, the reverse power dynamic again comes into play, as it is RRH who kills the wolf after finding that she cannot extract anything further useful from him. Duffy may have used symbolism here to represent the aggressive end of her relationship with Henry, which she brought about.
In conclusion, the perspective of Duffy transforms this simple fairy tale into something a lot more complex and engaging, while also trying to do something idiosyncratic by reversing roles. Perspective is especially important here because Duffy was also a reader of the original tale and her own biases (which were present because of her life experiences) may have pushed her towards seeing the text in a different light. To understand this poem completely, we have to accept the fact that Duffy had chosen to see the text in a different perspective and has chosen to present that perspective in this poem, while also basing it on her own life. The poem is considered exemplary because it sets forth uncommon interpretations of the original fairy tale, creating something unique and valuable in the process. It also helps illustrate the power of perspective, furthering literature in the process.
What is courage ? – Nick Cave style question
Have you ever seen a young bird fly?
Courage is the path that a young bird takes to reach the edge of a tree, before beginning the first of many flights that it will undertake in its lifetime. It is the very quintessence of the bird’s first flight and forms the basis of all others that are to follow. I say this because young birds seldom fly successfully on their first try. Thus, this bird knows that it might fail and plunge down to the ground. But it still tries.
That is courage. It is not the absenteeism of fear but the willingness to try despite it. Courage allows the bird to engage in a new experience- one which could lead to food, or to possible abrasions. In the beginning, the latter may occur but a transition to the former soon unfolds.And that it the beauty of courage! If one musters enough of it and starts their journey on the said path, the finality of failure does not haunt them. It is quickly cleared and tossed away from the path, like fallen leaves in the month of October.
The said path culminates at the end of a breathtaking spot in front of the tree of new experiences and individuals who are able to travel this far, are able to see all of what the tree has to proffer. Continuing this discovery, they are also able to plant new seeds which would grow to be the trees of new knowledge. This entire journey is unique to each and every individual and no two journeys are the same. Nevertheless, venturing out on trips of these kind is crucial for experiencing the unknown and expanding individual horizons.
However, courage is not only essential as a path towards experiencing the unknown, but also for the progression of society as a whole. To quote Rabindranath Tagore, “those in this world who have the courage to try and solve in their own lives- new problems of life, are the ones who raise society to greatness!”. If the value of courage ceased to exist someday, Society would soon be considered stagnant .
If no individual chooses to take the said path, the tree of new experiences will whither and die, and the seeds of new knowledge will never be planted. More pragmatically, this circumstance would be akin to our bird starving to death due to not being able to find the path that leads it to the edge of the tree and finally towards food. As a society, we must harbour and hone this feeling within each one of us to allow for new discoveries for the greater good of humanity and for our own survival. Courage is a wonderful value and we must never let it escape us.
“Although Ray Bradbury’s work is often referred to as science fiction, Fahrenheit has plenty to say about the world as it is, and not as it could be.”
I agree with the statement above that Ray Bradbury’s work, Fahrenheit 451 often portrays the world as it is, and not how it could potentially be. This happens in a number of ways surrounding different topics, such as: censorship, individuality, selfishness and loneliness.
In the book, we see that people are constantly censored by the government and its other branches. Now, the concept of censorship is not foreign to us since many books around the world are banned every year. Alongside, the government and other agencies censor people on other platforms as well. They say that this is done to protect harmony in the society, but it could also be because they don’t want people to be transformed and go against them.
The theme of individuality is also present in the book. However, we see that people (as evidenced by Clarisse’s character) were mistreated because of it. Clarisse was shunned by her classmates and teachers. It was also thought that she was not “normal”. This problem exists now as well, because many people are bullied because they are different.Lastly, the themes of loneliness and selfishness are well presented by the book.
In the book we see that people have become very self-centered and that they don’t care about the world. This holds true today, since most people don’t care about what happens to others, they just want to ensure happiness (and in many cases:money) for themselves. In the book we also see that people have become so occupied with technology that they don’t have a connection with anybody else. This also holds true for many people in the world.
To conclude, I would like to say that, before this dystopian world presented in the book becomes our reality, we must act and stop it in the works. This can be done by interacting with other people, protesting against the authorities if something is deemed to be unfair and lastly, accept everybody as they are.
Below is the interaction between my classmates and I, in response to this question.
Clarisse describes different aspects of what the world was like “before,” according to her uncle. Gather details of what has changed and why.
Clarisse learns about many aspects of life from her uncle. Her perspective on her life currently is also heavily influenced by her uncle. She and her uncle seem to have a very close relationship, with him telling her all about the world of the past. Among many things that her uncle tells her, one is that there used to be front porches in front of homes, before. However, architects got rid of them in order to prevent conversation and idle sitting around.
Another thing that her uncle tells her is that there was a time when children did not kill each other. Back in the past, children were actually respectful of adults and their peers. Children of the past were friendly and responsible. However, the children of the present are quite different in this respect. Clarisse tells Montag that last year, six of her friends had been shot and ten had been in a car wreck, which is why she is afraid of children her age. Lastly, her uncle tells her that once upon a time, art wasn’t abstract, it actually had people or communicated things.
Through these examples, we can clearly see the amount of influence Clarisse’s uncle holds over her, since whatever she knows about the past, is from him.
“Where books are burned, in the end, people will be burned.”
Before I watched the short film about book burning in Nazi Germany, I thought that people are free beings guided by their own thoughts and motivations but after watching the video, I realised how wrong I was. I had thought that people would not be convinced to burn books by external sources, they would do so if they felt that way. However, after watching the video I thought that a dictator could convince people to do it quite easily.
Alongside, there are no specific types of books that are burnt, just what the dictators deem as “dangerous to society” which is quite ironic in a sense. The books burnt can be about anything, even nature. Books constitute a certain threat to some governments since they promote the expression of ideas and certain governments prohibit that idea. They can also help people understand the problems with their government, since “knowledge can take you anywhere” as said in the video.
Lastly, the quote in the title, has been proven true numerous times in history. Hence, we must be careful so as to not be motivated by a public figure to burn books, ever.
Dystopian world and its significance in writing
A dystopian world can be described as a world full of unpleasantness and misery. In an essence, it is the exact opposite of a utopian world. In a dystopian world, everything is quite dehumanising and people are usually oppressed by powerful leaders. For example- In a dystopian world, ordinary citizens may be forced to restrict their movements, stay away from popular media and have very limited freedom of speech.
Writers make frequent use of the idea of a “dystopian world” to inform people about what could happen to society in the future and how some places have already exhibited or have started exhibiting the specific qualities of such a world, something which must be acted against. They might also be making use of such an idea to educate people about what could happen if they vote for politicians who have dictator like tendencies.
In terms of what I have read that can be categorised as dystopian fiction, there is not a lot to mention. Fahrenheit 451 was most likely the first piece of writing which utilised the idea of a dystopian world, that I have read. I had enjoyed reading Fahrenheit 451 and I think that I will continue reading books of similar nature in the future.
Transition process reflection
Going through the transition process from grade 10 to 11 has led to a lot of self-discoveries for me. I think that this process of changing grades with significant changes in terms of subjects and course curriculum could be a tad too stressful sometimes. Thankfully that was not the case for me.
Throughout this time, I learnt more about what I could potentially study at university level and which were the subjects I was really interested in. Outside the classroom, I also began to think about what type of roles I might take on next year in the context of activities and service. Lastly, I also spent some time to think about the various ups and downs I have had in the past 2 years and what I could learn from my mistakes.
Needless to say, I am very excited about grade 11 and the various opportunities and challenges that it brings with it.
Reflection on the circuit breaker period 2
As this circuit breaker period continues and I find that I cannot go to school until the 24th of August, it would be fair to assume that I am disappointed. Even as the circuit breaker period gave me the time to reflect on my life, engage in various aspects of wellness and spend more time on my hobbies, it has taken away the joy of meeting my friends every morning.
It has forced me to stay at home, engage in online classes and have no or limited interaction with the world outside. However, even as it has inflicted all of these problems on me, I believe that it has given me something much greater in return. It has taught me to be patient and to understand that everyday is not going to be the same. It has taught me that I must enjoy every moment because tomorrow, I may not be able to experience that moment!
I do hope that a state of normalcy is restored around the world soon and we can go back to our normal lives with a better perspective of the world.
Free speech and censorship
During a recent discussion with my english group and the entire class about free speech and censorship, interesting ideas were presented . The discussion had stemmed from the aspects of censorship that we had seen in the novel- Fahrenheit 451. We spoke about the fact that free speech was one of the main pillars of democracy since it has direct links to the broad idea of “freedom”.
Free speech is essential, as we are able to voice our thoughts, concerns and problems to everybody. However, if not used properly, free speech can lead to very severe consequences. For example- The anti-vaccine discussion has led to the endangerment of the lives of many young children. Therefore, censorship becomes necessary. Censorship can prevent the potential damage that the wrong use of free speech could have resulted in.
My personal thoughts on free speech and censorship are quite similar. I also think that people should be able to express their thoughts openly. Alongside, I also think that the government should still engage in censoring but up to a certain degree. They should only censor pieces which could be potentially harmful/polarising. Pieces which express dissatisfaction with or criticise the government should not be censored.
If I am to describe my views on free speech and censorship to someone outside my class, I would say that I believe in free speech being essential but censorship (in a justified manner) is also essential.
Reflection on the circuit breaker period
The circuit breaker period started on the 19th of March for me. This was because our holidays were brought forward because of the pandemic. Staying inside my house for more than 2 months has changed my life in many ways, and has made it better in some. Staying in, has helped me devote time to my hobbies such as dance and painting.
However, it has also made me a little lazy in many aspects, now I find that I am less willing to do physical exercises. This all changed when I was assigned with the PE task that had minimum requirements to fulfill every week. Now, I find that I am more willing to engage in physical exercises and go outside.
Lastly, remote learning can be a little too stressful sometimes. This is because it may be quite hard to find the balance between “online” time and “offline” time. I hope that I can return to school soon.
SWOT analysis
Here is my SWOT analysis, obtained after doing the skills check.
S- A strength for me, useful in this project would definitely be time-management. This is because procrastination often leads to a work of sloppy quality. To ensure this does not happen, time needs to be managed well and certain tasks need to be prioritised.
W- A weakness i have is indecisiveness. This problem needs to be addressed and fixed soon, since it can lead to a lot of time being wasted over trivial matters.
O- This project could be a great opportunity to develop my communication skills, as I might be working with peers over the course of the project. Alongside, I hope this project gives me a chance to improve my written communication.
T- An obstacle I face is having other due assignments and tasks which I may have to prioritise over this task. This could lead to me spending little time on this project and not getting a chance to hone my skills that I had hoped would improve over the course of this project.
2 goals that I have set for myself-
- Improve written and oral communication.
- Try to reduce the time I spend on making decisions over less significant matters.
What is your reaction to the idea that no one in that society is allowed to read books?
While reading Fahrenheit 451, I came across the concept of banning the reading of books by people in the society. This idea was quite disturbing for me to envision because of the crucial part that books play in my life. I read when I am overjoyed and when I am depressed, I read when I am angry and when I am excited. Hence, I cannot imagine a world where I cannot turn to books for support or to provide me happiness.
However, such a scenario may soon hold true in our own society. This is because many people have completely stopped reading books in favour of other popular media, like- movies, television, etc…A lot of books have also been banned due to them containing content that hurts the emotions of a particular community/group of people. Therefore, the idea of completely banning the reading of books is not a long shot.
If something like this does occur in the future I do hope that some books still remain available for people to read. I wish those books would be the following- 1. The roll of thunder, 2. Oliver Twist, 3. Jane Eyre, 4. A doll’s house and lastly, Fahrenheit 451. I hope that these books remain available to read because these books present many great ideas to the world and most importantly they hold stories about the humankind. In conclusion, I would say that books should never be banned but if that holds true in the future, some books should be spared.
What role does poetry play in your life ?
Poetry, sometimes treated like the less affluent cousin of plays and novels, holds no less influence than either of them. I think a good poem is worth its weight in gold. This is because poems have the power of communicating an important idea in just a few words. To me personally, Poems are quite like chocolate milkshakes, I enjoy one every once in a while.
I tend to experience poems by relating the expressed ideas/feelings to something that I may have experienced in my own life. For example- When reading a poem about a beautiful sunset, I try to reminisce a time when I saw a magnificent one. Alongside, I turn to poems for inspiration when I feel low. I do this by reading poems about somebody’s struggles or about how someone overcame their fear of something.
Reading these pieces never leaves me uninspired. These poems are like a pillar of solidarity for me to hold onto during low moments. Lastly, there are many wonderful poems out there that one can read just for the sheer pleasure of it, they aren’t any less entertaining than mainstream literature. In hindsight, poems are like a hidden paradise that is yet to be discovered by the masses, but when this paradise is discovered it will become the peoples’ favourite for a long time.
How can we help one another during the coronavirus outbreak ?
The coronavirus outbreak, ever since it began, has caused the world to change in multiple ways. The disease which has physically affected at least 2 million people has mentally affected many more. When people are introduced to the idea of staying at home in order to limit the spread of the coronavirus, they may not realise that it means not being able to meet friends/family for extended periods of time.
Alongside, living in isolation, being secluded from the rest of the world, causes many people to feel severe anxiety. In this situation, the feelings of loneliness and being trapped are quick to arise.Many of our family members/friends may be experiencing these feelings right now and we may be unaware. The objective of this post today is to help some people bridge that gap and help the people around them escape these feelings. In order to bridge this gap, the element of utmost importance would be communication.
Communicating with people around us, perhaps video-calling them once or twice a week can be a lot of help to them in these tough times. This is because this connection would make them realise that even though they cannot leave their house to physically meet their friends/family, they can still meet them virtually, hence they are not alone. Alongside, it would also be great for their mental health and ours to text them once a day, just to ask how they’re doing. Ultimately, we have to remember that we are all in this together.
Is advertising a corrupt and manipulating influence on our lives ?
The advertisement industry is often perceived as a billion dollar industry designed to trick consumers into buying things they don’t have any real use for.It is true that a lot of advertisements corrupt people’s lives and lead them into a downward spiral, for example- The advertisements for fast food chains use many photos of appetising food to attract consumers to their respective establishments however the negative impact of eating this food is largely ignored.
A lot of companies also make false claims in their advertisements in an effort to woo customers. For example- A certain yoghurt company claimed that their yoghurt had more nutritional benefits than any other, something which was completely untrue. Alongside, a lot of companies now use the process of “greenwashing” or claiming that their products are environment-friendly, when they are not. This manipulates the customer into thinking that they are doing their bit to save the planet but in reality the only entity benefiting in these transactions are the company owners.
However just like a coin, this industry has two sides. This industry helps millions of people earn their livelihood and although some adverts do employ appealing images, colours, humour and making false claims to manipulate their target audience into buying their product, some adverts are ethical in nature, designed to merely convince the audience of their products’ great features.
Alongside, now there are various governmental organisations which monitor advertisements and penalise companies for making false or misleading claims. So, it would be incorrect to assume that the advertisement industry is farce or in the disinterest of people. In conclusion I would say that consumers should keep an open mind while watching all adverts but be careful in order to avoid being manipulated in any way.
What songs matter to you now ?
Until quite recently, I had been listening to all sorts of songs, from Kpop to hiphop. However, now I mostly listen to songs that I feel a very strong personal connection to. This could be due to the fact that uncertain times like these, make me extremely anxious and edgy, so I try to make myself feel better by reminiscing instances where I was extremely happy. One song that I frequently listen to is Torn by Nathan Lanier. This song holds a space very close to my heart because I had choreographed my final piece for IGCSE Dance to this song. It never fails to put me in a jovial mood.
It is said that our favourite songs are our favourite because we attach significant memories to them. Perhaps “torn” is always able to brighten my mood because it reminds me of a task that I had done for the first time and upto my satisfaction. Hence, this is my go to song when I am sad. I personally think that having such songs can be very beneficial to our mental health. However, everyone is different and different songs are of different significance to everyone. In conclusion, I feel that it is important to embrace the practice of “go to” songs but also maintain individuality.
November 2019: Session 1
October 2019: Session 2
October 2019: Session 1
September 2019: Session 2
September 2019: Session 1
August 2019: Session 2
The importance of Ibsen’s quotation in today’s context
Henry Ibsen’s words spoken in the 18th century still hold a lot of meaning today in the 21st century, especially since there is news about women emerging from all walks of life to tell the tale of their life struggles, frequently. The biggest challenges that the women of today face are- Sexism and gender bias, laws surrounding their reproductive rights, domestic violence and female genital mutilation amid many others.
Today’s women face the struggle of having a lower pay rate than their male counterparts just because of their gender. Even in developed countries like Singapore, the average income generated by a male is higher than the average income generated by a female with the same qualifications.
In many countries, abortion is banned or prohibited unless the mother’s life is at risk. In these circumstances a woman has no choice but to give birth. Men do not face any sort of a challenge like this. Women around the world also face significantly higher domestic violence than men. This could also be due to the fact that they are treated like second class citizens in some parts of the world.
In some countries they are counted as only half a witness in court cases, they are only allowed to marry with the permission of a male relative, they can only go out if a male relative accompanies them, they have only recently been given the permission to drive and enter stadiums very recently, etc…
Also FGM is another challenge for the women living in some parts Africa, Asia and in the Middle east, where this practice is common. FGM is a traumatic experience for young girls, which might take years to forget and it causes a lot of physical discomfort as well. Women who have experienced FGM may have difficulty standing, sitting or walking. All in all, the whole experience is extremely scarring.
To conclude, i would say that Henry Ibsen’s quote is still very meaningful today because even though there have been improvements in the lives of women today, there is still a long way to go if we wish to create a world that is equal.
राष्ट्रीय भाषा के सम्मान पर निबंध
१ सप्ताह पहले मैंने अपनी राष्ट्रीय भाषा के सम्मान एवं उसकी व्यापकता बढ़ाने के सम्बंध में एक निबंध लिखा था ।
अगली बार मैं हिंदी की व्यापकता को बढ़ाने के लिए अन्य सुझाव भी दूँगी , जैसे – टीवी, अख़बार , आदि ।
महायज्ञ का पुरस्कार कहानी पर मेरे विचार-
महायज्ञ का पुरस्कार एक विनम्र और उदार सेठ की कहानी है जो की धर्मपरायण भी हैं । उनके भंडार का द्वार हमेशा सब के लिए खुला रहता और जो भी उनके आगे हाथ पसारता, वह पाता ।सेठ ने बहुत सारे यज्ञ किए थे और न जाने कितना धन ग़रीबों में बाँट दिया था । परंतु वक़्त गुज़रा एवं सेठ को ग़रीबी का मुँह देखना पड़ा। हालत तो ऐसी हो गयी की उन्हें भूखा रहना पड़ता था।एक दिन सेठानी के सुझाव पर वह अपने यज्ञ के फल को बेचने कुंदनपुर, धन्नअ सेठ के घर रवाना हुए । रास्ते में पेड़ों का कुंज एवं कुआँ देखकर सेठ ने रुककर भोजन और विश्राम करने का विचार किया । वहाँ जाने पर उन्हें एक बहुत कमज़ोर कुत्ता दिखा । अपने दयालु स्वभाव के चलते, उन्होंने अपनी चारों रोटियाँ उस कुत्ते को खिला दीं । कुंदनपुर पहुँचने पर धन्नअ सेठ की पत्नी (जिन्हें तीनो लोक की बातें जानने की शक्ति प्राप्त थी ) ने उनसे कुत्ते को चारों रोटियाँ खिलाने के यज्ञ का फल माँगा । सेठ ने इस कार्य को मानवोचित समझा था इसीलिए इसे नहीं बेचा। घर जाने पर शाम को उन्हें अपने ही तहख़ाने में जवाहरत मिले।
कहानी की भाषा शैली सरल है। महावरों का काफ़ी प्रयोग है। मुझे इस कहानी को पड़कर ऐसा लगा की मुझे भी हर प्राणी की मदद करनी चाहिए । हालाँकि सेठ के कुत्ते को मदद करने का विचार मुझे अच्छा लगा परंतु उसके तहख़ाने से जवाहरातों का मिलना थोड़ा सच्चाई से दूर लगा ।यदि यह घटना इस कहानी में मोजूद न होती, तो मुझे यह कहानी बहुत अच्छी लगती ।