October 2018 : Session 2

I walked for 6.5 kilometres today. For this session, my goal was to remain at a consistent speed throughout the session. In the end, i noticed that i was able to achieve my goal. I used walking as an exercise to help increase my stamina in swimming as well.


For the next session, i aim to walk 7 kilometres in the same time. Also, i would aim to remain at a consistent speed for the next session as well.

October 2018 : Session 1

This session i focused on improving my stamina while swimming ( specifically, freestyle ). During the session, I did 7 laps of 40 metres in freestyle. Towards the end, i also did a lap of  backstroke. I felt that i was able to complete the 8 laps with consistent speed throughout .


In the next session, I would aim to reduce the resting time between two laps and also do more laps. I would also try to increase the strength in my arm, which in turn, would help me complete the lap in a shorter amount of time.

How does tourism affect the lives of locals who live near the Margaret river ?

Margaret river is a region , three hours south of Perth in Western Australia. It is located at a point which is almost equidistant from Cape Naturaliste and Cape Leeuwin. It is famous for its Helicopter tours, wineries, Whale watching tours, Cape to Cape treks, Surfing etc…It is a very beautiful place and full of natural wonders. The locals have divided the year into 6 separate seasons but do not have any official days for separating them.


They distinguish different seasons by watching the behaviour of different plants and animals. I found this way of distinguishing the seasons very unique and unusual. The environment there was very pristine and peaceful. I also noticed that a small action of ours impacts the environment in a big way as we had cleared some bottle caps from our campsites on one of the days and the site began looking prettier ever since.


On one of the days in our expedition, we had an aboriginal session with a native of the area. It was great and we learnt a lot of things about the culture of the aboriginal people of western Australia, especially this region. He showed us how they lit a fire with just two sticks and some fruit, a coat made of kangaroo skin, some weapons and boomerangs, and their music.

He also told us about the day to day lives of the locals there and how many of them had not really progressed with our fast paced world. We also got to know a lot about how they used to use caves in that region. Overall, this session was very informative and we got to learn loads of new things. This made me feel that maybe tourism is impacting the lives of locals there in a positive way. They can now educate the tourists about their culture and the tourists can in turn know, why the things are, the way they are… So it is an advantageous situation for everyone.


This could also help add to their income and they would not have to rely on just one source now ( Farming is their primary occupation ). Alongside, some locals are also beginning to come forward and take an interest in these kinds of occupation as this could be beneficial for them from the financial as well as cultural perspective. This is one of the ways that we could say that they are impacted.


During my expedition, i also did many abseils and rock climbs. The people who were conducting these were also locals. I would say that tourism has opened for them, new occupations in the line of adventure sports. This is a positive impact for them, because they would now have more careers to choose from. Also, it would be relatively easier for them to do their jobs near their homes rather than going somewhere else.


These are some ways in which they are positively impacted. I think that they are sometimes, negatively impacted too. As we know, a lot of tourists are habituated to littering their campsites/stay areas after they leave, this causes their environment to be contaminated. If the frequency of this situation decreases, then tourism would be impacting their lives in a largely positive manner.


Thank you


How can i be a better friend ?

This year i have many aims to accomplish and one of them is being a better friend to my friends. Life becomes easier when friends are around, as they fill our lives with hope and happiness.A lot of times, they are the only ones who keep believing in us even if anyone else doesn’t.


These are some possible ways of becoming a better friend –

Being a good listener- Listening to what our friends have to say is very important if we want to maintain the friendship. If only one person talks, it gets quite boring and the other person thinks that they are not interested in listening to what they have to say.

Presuming positive intentions-  Sometimes we misunderstand what our friends have said, in this type of situation it is essential to presume positive intentions.

Respecting other’s opinions- It is important to let our friends express their ideas, even if we do not agree with them.

Being kind- Not judging anyone or being rude. Lets be considerate.

Helping and supporting each other- We should help and support our friends through ups and downs, it is wrong to expect help and support but not give it in return.

I will be following these tips to accomplish my aim by the end of the school year.


“There is nothing on this earth to be prized more than true friendship.” – Thomas Aquinas.




Forced Language Assimilation

I had recently read an article about forced language assimilation.It was written by a person whose parents were Spanish immigrants in the United states but had become citizens in due course.The article-https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/sep/10/donald-trumps-fear-spanish-power-language-identity


The journalist in the article, feels that forced assimilation requires policing people’s language and that it is liberating and empowering to not give into it. She also feels that forced language assimilation is oppressive.She believes that getting rid of your accent means giving away your identity, If someone tells us to get rid of this identity, they are indirectly telling us that our voice does not matter, that we are powerless.



The journalist speaks English but her mother tongue is Spanish. Early on she had tried to assimilate as well, as she wanted to feel a sense of belonging. In my opinion, we should try and learn a new language if we have got a chance to. Learning a language can help foster a better appreciation of the culture and ease communication with the locals. But no one should be forced to communicate in a language. The language learnt could just stay as an extra, secondary language.

But having said that, lets consider, “Why do we judge people who speak broken english?”



Personality Test Review

I recently took a personality test online, and I was amazed to discover the accuracy of the results. They were precise in almost all the areas. The Test results said that I was an adventurer, which is quite true since I never go by the conventional route. I am absolutely happy to be who I am and really am very spontaneous. I am more of an introvert than an extrovert, I love to observe things and I am full of curiosity.



I am imaginative as well. The test got it right on all these aspects, however what it didn’t get right was the fact that adventurers couldn’t take criticism in a good way. I am open to criticism and know that criticism helps us develop. We are not the best judge of ourselves and many a times, we are unable to figure out what could make our performance at something better? This is where suggestions or sometimes, criticism helps us.


I would definitely recommend people to take the test and discover their personalities. The site also includes some advice for the people taking the test. At the end it also mentions a process to go to their academy. You can try the test out, regardless of whether you want to join their academy or not.


The link-  https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test