PSE Reflection

After the lessons on these topics; how prepared are you to recognise and respond to someone who is in a dangerous situation- why or why not? How did theses lessons clarify your thinking?

I think I feel quite prepared to recognise and intervene in situations where I can help someone. Now, I know about the different strategies that I can potentially use to help someone in danger, like removing them from the situation, being calm and calling the authorities if the matter escalates.i think the examples that were shown in the lessons really helped me understand what kind of problems one might be faced with and what I can do to help them.

Do you have biases? How did our lessons highlight these biases? or not? Do you feel equipped to recognise and or call out micro aggressions in our community? Why or why not?

I think I do have biases, everyone does. The lessons did not necessarily highlight these biases in the way that they told me what I am prejudiced for and against but they helped me realise that i must make an active effort to not let my biases hinder my thinking. I think I do feel equipped to recognise and call out biases in my community because i have been introduced to some examples of these in class, which makes it easier to identify them.

Name three key skills or understandings you gained this year from the PSE course this year ?

Understanding what to do in dangerous situations, managing time to study effectively, and learning about biases

What key skills or understandings do you most want to take forward into grade 12?

Making careful decisions about university applications, managing studying with well being time and trying to be as unbiased while making decisions as one possibly can

Beyond academics- what are some of your goals for grade 12?

Reading more books, discovering new places in Singapore, and cooking more often

PSE Post

1.  Self Reflection-  What were some of the most interesting discoveries you made about yourself through the Myers Briggs and Holland code tests? How has your planning for the future changed or stayed the same during this unit?

Some interesting discoveries that I made about myself through the Holland code test was that the type of fields I was largely interested in were investigative and conventional. I knew that the professions that I thought most allied with my interests were quite conventional but I had never thought of myself as someone who was interested in investigative fields. This broadened my perspective as now I am considering looking at careers that are research based as well. The Myers Briggs test concluded that I was an ISFJ or a defender. Although it didn’t reveal much about my career path, the code suggested that I was quite conventional as well.

2. Self Advocacy-   Professional relationships.  Name two or three important skills you learned about maintaining positive professional relationships and how will you use them in the future.

An important concept that I learned about through this unit was the concept of relationship bank accounts. An important skill that I have learned is that little things go a long way. Foe example: Greeting someone when you see them can help you form a better bond with that person. Alongside, while learning about these bank accounts, I also learned how some acts like showing up on time to a meeting and being prepared for it, can be very important bank account deposits, which will ultimately help the relationship be stronger.

3. Informed decisions-  Thinking about your future 5, 10, or 15 years from now, what are some themes / aspects of life that you want to keep central to your planning?  What are some key values that will drive your decision making?

A theme of my life that I certainly plan to uphold in the future is volunteering/service. I wish to continue this even as I transition from going to university to getting a job. This is because I have found a strong sense of fulfilment by volunteering. Another aspect that I want to keep central to my planning is maintaining a healthy work life balance. I want to be in touch with my friends even while I am working.Some key values that will drive my decision making in the future will be taking everything into consideration, analysing the big picture and anticipating the potential results of my decision.

PSE Emotional Intelligence Reflection

1.What 3 emotional intelligence factors do you think you do well?

I think that the factors that I do well on are understanding my strengths and weaknesses, disconnecting and embracing change. I believe so, because I reflect on my strengths and weaknesses quite often, taking note of everything that I have done well and what I need to improve on and how I can do so. I disconnect often as I feel that there should be a balance in my work and my life. I do this by taking regular breaks while working. Another thing that I do well is embrace change, which is because I have seen a lot of change in my life (moving to various places with varying cultures and people). I also embrace change in my daily life as i do not like monotony.

2. What 3 emotional intelligence factors do you want to improve?

I want to improve upon the quality of not seeking perfection as I have had severe problems in the past over wanting things to be a certain way which isn’t always possible. I could also improve on the factor of not holding grudges against people as I tend to do that quite often. I also hope to improve on stopping negative self talk in its tracks.

3.What specific steps can you take to do this?

I think that I can improve on these areas, firstly, by mastering the art of letting go. I could ensure that I understand that what I want in terms of perfection, might not be possible in that situation. Alongside, letting things go will also ensure that I don’t hold grudges against people. I would become more accepting of them and move on. Lastly, I hope to solve the problem of negative talk by reminding myself to come out of it whenever I begin to do so. I could also do this by raising my self-confidence (by listening to motivating talks, etc…), which would ensure that I don’t feel as though I can’t do something and start being pessimistic about it.