Humanities Magazine Fourth Reflection

In the audio below, I have discussed the following questions:

  • What was it about this activity that I found challenging/difficult?
  • How will I approach a challenge like this in the future?
  • What new skills have I developed in this activity?
  • How can I use the skills I developed in this activity in other areas of my life?
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Yoga First Reflection

Here are the questions that I discussed in the audio below:

  1. What was it about this activity that I found challenging?
  2. What risks have I taken as part of the activity?
  3. What actions did I take to overcome these challenges?
  4. How will I approach a challenge like this in the future?
  5. What new skills have I developed in this activity?
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Humanities Magazine Third Reflection

Here is the discussion of the learning outcome:

Questions answered:

  1. What was it about this activity that I found challenging?
  2. What actions did I take to overcome these challenges?
  3. How will I approach a challenge like this in future?
  4. What new skills have I developed in this activity?
  5. How important were the skills I developed to achieving success in the activity?
  6. How can I use the skills I developed in this activity in other areas of my life?
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Here is the final draft of the second article:

Humanities Magazine Second Reflection

In the last few sessions of Humanities magazine, I finished the article that I had started writing. During this process, I re-discovered my strength of finishing my work on time as I was done with my article a long time before it was due. A challenge that I faced was writing “creatively” since most of my pieces are usually styled like an essay. I overcame this challenge by asking my peers to give me feedback and suggestions on how to make the piece a more captivating read. A risk that I took was in the name of the title. I am not accustomed to creating eye-catching titles as essays mostly have titles that are more factual than interesting. I think that this risk paid off because my peers and the teachers were quite happy with it.

A skill that I developed because of this activity is definitely being efficient with time. I discovered that I was able to write the article in a short amount of time and the editing did not take up a very long time. Later, when my editor suggested some changes that I could make to the piece, I did that quite quickly. Lastly, I hope to continue developing my time-management skills alongside writing more creatively as the year progresses and we start working on our second article. In addition to that, below is the second piece that I have started working on.

Humanities Magazine First Reflection

The first few sessions of Humanities magazine went quite well as I began exploring potential topics that I could write about. Something that I found difficult was choosing a topic since there was a plethora of topics to choose from. A risk that I took was deciding to explore a new area of economics which I do not know much about. This has become another challenge for me. An action that I had taken to overcome the challenge of too many choices was to choose a topic that had potential to be engaging and that I didn’t have much previous exposure to. However, I haven’t yet overcome the challenge of writing about a new topic since I haven’t had much time to research and then gather my thoughts.While approaching a challenge like this in the future, I would be careful to ensure that I keep a significant amount of time towards researching about the issue.

In this activity, I have developed the skill of writing articles as opposed to writing essays and managing my time effectively. I measured my improvement by comparing this piece to my previous pieces. The skill of time management was easier to develop since that was something I had been doing for a long time now. The skills that I have developed are very useful for this activity as I will have to use time efficiently while writing articles and the skill of writing articles as supposed to essays is important because I am writing for a magazine. I can definitely use the skill of time management in other areas of my life and the skill of writing articles may be important when I write such a piece for my english work or if I choose to pursue a journalism course in the future.