Kahaani 2022 First Reflection

In the audio recording below, I discussed the following questions

  • What activities did I plan?
  • What was the outcome of my planning? How do I know?
  • How did my plans change as the activity progressed? Why?
  • What difficulties did I face in executing my plan? 
  • How did I overcome these challenges?
  • How did I respond to changes in plans? Would I respond the same way in future? Why/why not?
  • At what times did I face ethical decisions when participating in this activity?
  • On what did I base my decision making? Why?
  • How did my moral principles affect the decision I made?
  • Was I ever in conflict with another person because our morals were different? How did we resolve this conflict?
  • Have I become more or less principled as a result of my participation in this activity? Why?


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Kahaani Third reflection

Above is the final video from the Light plot.

Below is the discussion of the learning outcomes:

Questions answered:

  1. What activities did I plan?
  2. What was the outcome of my planning?
  3. How did I respond to changes in plans?
  4. At what times did I face ethical decisions?
  5. On what did I base my decision making?
  6. Have I become more or less principled as a result/
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Kahaani Second Reflection

In Kahaani, we have started to teach our choreography. For the first few sessions I split the main group into 2 separate groups. Then my partner and I taught each group one of the dances. We taught it progressively. So, for the first session, I taught them (my group) the first half of the dance that only they would be learning. Then for the next session, I taught them the second half of that dance. The third session was spent on understanding the formations that the dance was meant to have and performing according to it. After that, I ensured that they practiced in that formation for a week. That week was majorly spent on trying to perfect the movements in addition to ensuring that everyone was in sync and in formation.Thus, I can successfully say that I have shown initiative and planning in the entire process since I split them up in two separate groups while ensuring that there would be no conflict between the members of the dance so that the dance is not affected and the dancers are able to perform to the best of their abilities. For example: Ensuing that everybody got a group they would feel comfortable and safe in.In the future, I will continue to focus on planning and initiative as there are more formations that have to be created, movements taught and the lighting sorted out.

I also had to consider the ethical implications of my actions while creating the formations. This took a lot of consideration and  planning since the ethics of each decision had to be considered. I was caught between the idea of ensuring that everybody filled a place according to their merit and the idea of ensuring that everybody had a chance to be at the front of the formation.This was a very hard decision for me as above all it was the complex idea of equal opportunity for all and merit based opportunities. Thus, it was quite difficult to come upon a decision. I also had to simultaneously keep in mind that conflicts could arise regarding the positions they were given. Thus, this process involved a bit of ethical decision. I finally arrived on the idea of equal opportunity for all as that is what my moral values dictated. So, I completely based my decision on my values in a way. I was also in conflict with my partner due to this decision as her moral values were for merit based opportunity. We solved this through asking a neutral party who voted for equal opportunity.

Kahaani First Reflection

Before beginning official rehearsals for kahaani , I took initiative and planned what I would be teaching the other members of my dance group in the first session. The outcome of my planning was having the choreography done to some section of the final music, which I could teach for the first few lessons. My plans changed as the activity progressed because I was planning to have all members of the dance on stage for the whole length of the music. However, restrictions dictated that only 15 members could be on stage at one time, so this plan had to be changed.

A difficulty that I faced while executing this plan was the lack of time to think it through as the first session was coming up soon. I overcame this challenge by efficient communication with my partner and managing my time well. Due to this, I was able to come up with the idea of splitting the dancers into 2 groups who would be performing in different segments of the piece. I think I would respond in the same way if faced with this challenge in the future since I believe that time management is a skill I have acquired from these experiences.


Movie on 21-10-20 at 8.24 PM