Preparing for the transtion

LO3 INITIATIVE (Planning and initiating activities)

When we started preparing for the transition, one of the biggest questions facing our group was “what next?”, “what ideas do we have for the volunteers, and the sales cart?”. After a couple of sessions, I suggested we could try out quilling. Realising that this was a completely foreign craft to the volunteers, I took the initiative to organise some material to bring in, for the volunteers to play with. Initially, we had hoped to practice some quillling ourselves and maybe make a card to show them the possibilities of quilling, but because of our busy schedule outside of service, this was unfeasible. The game plan changed and instead, we decided that we would learn along the way with them.

I brought in the material and during that session, introduced them to the very basics of quilling, and let whoever was interested have a go. Since it was a completely new activity for everyone, it was important that we were flexible with the session plan, so as to not overwhelm anyone or force anyone into the activity. It was so nice to see that at the end of the first session one of the volunteers was excited about this new option!

I hope that this activity becomes more of a collaboration between the interested volunteers and us, this will come more as they get accustomed to the craft, but I hope they are able to take ownership of the craft and be creative with it 🙂

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