How do we become ‘blog perfect?’ Is this something that we should be aiming for? What does this look like?

One of the challenges I have faced when coming to write posts for my blog is focusing too hard on the finishing line – what I want it to look like in the end. In our introductions through our ‘community guide’  we shared our goals and what we want to achieve. Along with myself, it seems we are nervous to begin because we are perhaps too focused on what the end product will look like to others. I have even thought when looking at colleagues blogs that I wish mine could be as informative, as humorous and interesting.

My blog has to begin somewhere, and I am going to try to view this as developmental and in-progress. Whilst I might be using others’ blogs for inspiration, my first step is to ensure that what I am exploring is relevant and enjoyable for myself and then build upon how this might be used as a tool for others to learn from.

I may not have all my pages sorted, or a full ‘focus’ for what I want to achieve, but should I? How about I write on my blog sporadically when I feel I have something to say? Does it matter if I choose not to blog for 3 months and then another time blog 3 posts in one month! Are there set rules that we should follow? Perhaps having an idea of being ‘blog perfect’ is actually hindering our blogs from being perfect just the way there are.