by | Nov 30, 2017 | Recent posts
How do we become ‘blog perfect?’ Is this something that we should be aiming for? What does this look like? One of the challenges I have faced when coming to write posts for my blog is focusing too hard on the finishing line – what I want it to look...
by | Sep 24, 2017 | Recent posts
Over the past couple of weeks, we have been exposed to a number of workshops on reflection, aimed at students, parents and teachers. Reflection has always been an area that I have strived to include within my lesson activities based on the premise that it allows...
by | Aug 15, 2017 | Recent posts
As a Psychology teacher, one of the key questions which I always am asked by new students is ‘how do we know someone is a murderer?’ or ‘what makes someone become a psychopath?’. Not the lightest start to a new subject but it becomes clear that...
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