Stereotypes & the LGBTQ+ Community
See INFOGRAPHIC Stereotypes
Project Based Learning: Genetics & Behaviour (Sexuality)
One of the issues that we’re faced with in society is the controversy surrounding how these questions are answered in the media. Sometimes conclusions are simplified for pubic understanding and therefore findings misinterpreted, with reductionist claims made about...
How can we provide an authentic service learning with our students?
Resource Why might this resource be useful to explore with students? What advice do you have for other teachers when it comes to discussing authentic service learning with students? My response at 2 mins 38 seconds
Using thought records during assessment feedback
Feedback on assessments can be a tricky time - students are both apprehensive and eager about receiving their grades. As a result, I find this an excellent time to work with my students to build their confidence but that may be difficult, especially when they may not...
The Learning Cycle in Grade 11 IB Psychology
Following a recent EAL professional development session, the Psychology department designed a lesson to introduce the assessment skills of writing a Short Answer Question (SAQ) to our Grade 11 students that was in line with the Learning Cycle. Setting the context...
IBDP Psychology Dig a Little Deeper Series – Building a Community
Task 2 of Dig a Little Deeper is working towards building students confidence in commenting on each other's work and providing constructive feedback. And also by asking students to engage in this task, it can help students consider on what aspects they can take-away...