PSE-Emotional Intelligence – my musings around goal setting

Doc of questions and answers

This year, I would like to develop the skill/quality of being will use a very clever way to answer or evade other people’s harsh questions. I know that people like to ask harsh questions cause the answers that they expect can be very fun, and sometimes I like to ask that kind of questions as well, it’s a problem and a place that I can improve EQ in a specific way. This is important to me cause answering questions need to be in a short time and have a perfect answer with holistic details, I can’t hurt the feelings of others while answering questions. It’s quite hard so I want to develop that. This will help me answer the questions that are super awkward in a perfect way, build more well relationships with others and probably make more friends. This will help others to have a nice answer and a nice mood.

I dislike complaining about the disappointment in life before people even they are my friends, I see this in myself because sometimes I just feel pressure from dealing with people that I don’t like, so after I meet my friends(maybe I believe them too much)so I might just tell them how I feel when I meet the person who I dislike. It might let them feel that I am a person with a bad temper and a low EQ. Maybe I will restrain myself more in the future, not too much or too straightforward to say my inner thoughts.


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