For our digital perspectives assignment, we were given a task to make a movie about the effect of social media on us.

Here is the powerpoint my partner and I made which encapsulates. the brainstorming process which led to the initial actions.

Here you will find the check-ins on the editing process with each screenshot being taken five to ten minutes apart from the last which ends up with my video’s current progress!

The most important thing I need to work on to improve my film during next lesson is putting the audio files together, using appropriate music or voice overs, and looking over transitions.

My final film is meant to be 2-3 minutes, this means I need to stop cutting down my file lengths and work around the perfect length which  I already have.

Of my FIVE statements about social media, the one that is the trickiest to communicate in the video is that phones may also be beneficial to us (1st statement), I say this because my movie currently only focuses on its ill effects.

Below is the link to my final video, I was able to maintain the timings and work with the audio aspect of the video. In my opinion I have done a good job in communicating my statements and have revisited them to ensure the same in my Final Video!

Self Management

During the first few classes  I was unaware of one of my initial assignments, it was the one where we analyse the audio clips and make a portfolio post about it. Having received a mail about my tardiness I decided that I need to self manage more effectively. So for the movie assignment, the first thing I did over the october break was finishing up my portfolio post so I wouldn’t need to worry about it later when it’s due. And it helped, as I was able to work on my movie in class instead of the post and it helped me to work on the movie in class rather than at home as I was able to consult Ms.Friedman for help and advise.


While shooting scenes for the movie Stuti and I mutually collaborated to be a part of each other’s movies as we were lacking people. There were other people who helped in the shooting process as well by helping us shoot and acting in our movie. Asking for help and support made the process easier than it would’ve been with just two people.


While making the storyboard for our movie, Rhea and I communicated very effectively and made our intentions for a clear storyline explicit. Since we had each other’s ideas put forward clearly, we were able to make the storyboard really quickly and focus on the scenes.