My engagement in this sustainability Project opened out a new window of thoughts for me and not only made me evaluate my client’s sustainability but also made me keep a toll on mine.

As I delved into research I slowly became more aware of the harming done to the environment and started to rethink my practices and the choices I make every day. After the interesting conversation we had with our client, the next step was to collate all our solutions and research. Using Divi-builder to do this made presenting our information more customisable and fulfilled my creative need for customisation. In my team, I was the most organised and dedicated because I was aware of and kept my teammates aware of the needful dates. I was also able to successfully plan out what course of action we might need to take each day in order to complete our project. My teammates provided very useful insights and ideas in addition to their research. The conversations we had sparked new thoughts on sustainability to make me learn more about several things.

I hope to see that our client finds our research useful and that we have come up to her expectations.