What aspects of our cultural identity are represented by food? How does representation matter?

I think that food plays an important role in representing one’s cultural identity. Food has a special ability to help people bond with each other, no matter their differences. People tend to let their guards down when eating, which can help people bond. This can help connect people in ways that are not possible without the means of food.

Food is often the first look into a country’s culture. It is often the most easiest and accessible way to understand and learn about someone else’s culture. Similar to this, when I introduce to people that I am Japanese, one of the first replies I usually come across is about how they enjoy the food in Japan. This consolidates the fact that representation of food is extremely important to cultures as it can often give a certain impression of the culture on people who are trying it out for the first time.

I think that food also shapes who we are as a person. The food we eat at home varies a lot from country to country and often has many variations even when two households come from the same country. The food we eat and are brought up with can also give us a sense of identity. One example of food creating a sense of identity is when traveling abroad. Even when travelling to countries with rich culinary history, it sometimes feels comforting to sit down and eat at an Asian restaurant and eat food that we are familiar with eating.

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