Urban Gardening (mid-point reflection 1)

Being an EI leaders for Urban Gardening can be challenging and rewarding.

Because we weren’t able to access the Urban Gardening portfolio for the first few months, we weren’t able to make any update posts on it. However, now we have made a few posts on updates on the garden. Other challenges have been coming up with new ideas for projects and working on them. Before this, I was not aware of how much thought and considerations have to be put into a logistics of a project.

However, seeing our plants grow week after week is extremely rewarding, especially since we put in a lot of hard work into maintaining the garden. Another rewarding aspect of this service is that my partner and I are able to collaborate well and work together effectively. Because of this, we can evenly split up workload and efficiently run the service.

These are the working links to the minutes document and Urban Gardening portfolio.

Minutes Document



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