DP – Design Process

Today, we were making banners for our partner’s portfolio. We had to ask them what they liked and what colours they thought looked nice and then make a nice banner suitable for their online portfolio. While we were making the banner we had to document the process, so here is a presentation explaining what I did and why. Here is a link to the document where I wrote down Nicole’s hobbies and preferences: Client Specification

When I was giving feedback to other people on what they could do to improve their designs, I mostly talked about small things like not having to much detail in the background because then it looks messy, and try to make some fonts a little less bold so there isn’t too much contrast. Because contrast only looks nice to a certain extent.

Do you think I could’ve done more to make it more personalised?

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1 Comment on DP – Design Process

  1. longm12453@gapps.uwcsea.edu.sg
    October 6, 2017 at 12:43 am (7 years ago)

    I think you were very close to talking about the skill “creative” and quality “Self aware” as you explained about the contrast between the title and background and you gave different images and your thoughts on them.
    A quote you could have added is “But at least you’re doing it. Once you’re doing it, you have a chance to do it better. Waiting for perfect means not starting.


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