Cognitive Rehabilitation with Apex Harmony Lodge Fourth Reflection: Learning Objective 1 and 4

Recently, as a group, we have been working on planning more engaging sessions for each of the senior residents after learning more about them from our interactions. We have also been working on a new project called the LIFE project, this is a project that uses an interactive wall to engage the elderly in games … Continue reading Cognitive Rehabilitation with Apex Harmony Lodge Fourth Reflection: Learning Objective 1 and 4

Student Council Fourth Reflection: Learning Objective 5 and 7

We have been very busy in the Student Council, working on 4 projects simultaneously. We have started creating our student engagement survey, planning our HS Assembly, planning our HS leadership meetings and beginning to work on mental health issues that our HS community face. Upon working on the student engagement survey, there were many things … Continue reading Student Council Fourth Reflection: Learning Objective 5 and 7