Cognitive Rehabilitation with Apex Harmony Lodge Fifth Reflection: Learning Objective 1 and 3

Throughout the beginning of G12, I have been leading the people in my service through the service-learning process and teaching them more about the way in which Apex Harmony Lodge operates. Ahrim and I (Co-Chairs of Apex Harmony Lodge) worked on planning and creating activities. Some of the activities that I think were especially useful … Continue reading Cognitive Rehabilitation with Apex Harmony Lodge Fifth Reflection: Learning Objective 1 and 3

Amala (Focus Group) Third Reflection: Learning Objective 3 and 6

This week, we focused on getting posters around the school to advocate for Amala and the amazing work that it does in providing education to refugees. While doing this, I really learned the importance of planning out events and creating materials beforehand. By creating the posters 2 weeks before the event, I think we were … Continue reading Amala (Focus Group) Third Reflection: Learning Objective 3 and 6

Cognitive Rehabilitation with Apex Harmony Lodge Third Reflection: Learning Objective 1, 3 and 7

We have finished another reflection stage, and are looking at ways we can improve for the future. One thing we noticed immediately was that the plans that we were creating for our senior residents were not working as they were too generalised. Currently, we create one generalised plan for all the residents for one week, … Continue reading Cognitive Rehabilitation with Apex Harmony Lodge Third Reflection: Learning Objective 1, 3 and 7

Amala (Focus Group) Second Reflection: Learning Objective 3 and 6

In this second half of the year, I am learning a lot about how to plan events in this service that would advocate for Amala and its purposes. At the beginning of the year, we initially began planning for two Middle School and Infant School presentations that would advocate for refugees and the importance of … Continue reading Amala (Focus Group) Second Reflection: Learning Objective 3 and 6

Cognitive Rehabilitation with Apex Harmony Lodge First Reflection: Learning Objective 3

I joined this local service called cognitive rehabilitation with Apex Harmony Lodge this year. Through the first few weeks of the service, I’ve already learned a lot about our service partners through the investigation process and who we are targetting (the elderly in Singapore.) I think I also learned a lot about how much of … Continue reading Cognitive Rehabilitation with Apex Harmony Lodge First Reflection: Learning Objective 3