Reflection on Blue Dragon Carnival (22 Nov 19)

On Friday, our service members (Nic, Han Seo, Xuan Ru) supported Blue Dragon GC’s event Imagine Dragon Carnival by providing reusable cups for their selling of smoothies.

To our surprise, some of our members were asked to help out with the selling of food coupons, though it did not dampen our productivity due to lesser people buying smoothies. Despite the prosperity of the Blue Dragons occasion, the delineation of the administration of chalices proved to be cumbersome and labyrinthine. As the coupon station shared the same tent as the leasing cup station, people were confused about how the booths worked; they thought that our booth sold circus tickets or food directly. Next time to improve this, we could potentially request for a separate tent as well as have a sign indicating our service in front of the station instead of the back so that it is more visible.

We also had to explain how our leasing station worked to each and every customer individually. Although it wasn’t difficult, however, if it wasn’t for the small number of people, we might have been swamped and tired out by the need to make constant explanations to people. We could have improved this simply by having a sign explaining how the system works, perhaps the 0WES creative team can work on it.

In regards to returning cups, all but one cups were returned, showing our success, which was significant because this means that the “Blue Dragons” GC only owes 0-WES $2.

Overall, this event has been incredibly successful, with all customers buying smoothies approaching our service, thus reducing the use of disposables. Hopefully, through this event, more people will gain awareness of what our service does.

Written by Nic, Han Seo, Xuan Ru

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