Jinkyu’s Reflection

I joined this service last year in G10 as I was quite curious how Singapore deals with all the waste produced, knowing that Singapore doesn’t produce anything themselves. I quite enjoyed how we actually have recycling trips and get to physically see our accomplishments, which was unusual in my previous service and GCs that I participated in G9, so I decided to continue being a member of this service this year again. I took over the logistics role to better be able to connect with this service, and I wish to continue to be part of this next year too. I felt the bond growing stronger between the local Singapore community and myself over a series of local trips to Tampines, and have learned to collaborate better with new people, which I believe will come useful later in my life. By the end of next academic year, I aim to achieve high environmental sustainability around the local community by promoting recycling and also recruit new young members who will keep the service going even when I graduate, as the mission of this service is really essential for the sustainability of Singapore.

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