Albert’s Reflection

Initially, I joined 0WES as it was one of the few environmentally focused services. I feel like climate change is one of the most pressing issues that humanity faces, and I wanted to contribute to combatting this issue. Furthermore, the actions that we take, such as our crockery leasing and recycling Sundays, are much more Read More…

Abhu’s Reflection

I really enjoyed it the previous year as I felt that I really understood and connected with the missions and the goals of the service. I have been chosen to take over logistics with another member, the role of the logistics is mainly to make sure that all the equipment is ready before an event Read More…

Jinkyu’s Reflection

I joined this service last year in G10 as I was quite curious how Singapore deals with all the waste produced, knowing that Singapore doesn’t produce anything themselves. I quite enjoyed how we actually have recycling trips and get to physically see our accomplishments, which was unusual in my previous service and GCs that I Read More…

Xuan Ru’s Reflection

When I was in Grade 9, I initially joined this service because I didn’t get into the service of my choice (no allocations) and I thought this was a gardening service (the name used to be Green Fingers, who wouldn’t think it’s gardening). But I realised that I like the fact that I can make Read More…