
Residents Residents we interact with are elderly ladies with moderate dementia who live in the lodge. To make their lives more interesting, we design games/activities for their enjoyment and mental stimulation. However, we mostly just talk and listen to the residents;...

Monday, 11/03/19 Reflection

In this session, we did a Pictionary game, where we had to draw something and the PWD had to guess what it was that we were drawing. We came into this activity hoping to stimulate their creative skills, hoping they could use some skills that they would not often use...

Monday, 11/02/18 Reflection

Monday 11/02/18 Today’s session was an in-school session and we introduced the new 9th grade students to the service. We established what dementia is and how we work with Apex Harmony Lodge and their residents to help stimulate their memories and interact with...