Kahaani Final Reflection

This is my second and final reflection for Kahaani, the dancing activity that I participated in last month. This reflection will be focused on the LO5 of collaboration.

The Kahaani performances occured the week before the Chinese New Year holidays, and it was therefore quite stressful for us to come together and be able to perform with energy amidst our busy schedules with schoolwork and the rehearsals. It also become quite tough towards the end of the rehearsal process for us to be able to continue working together as it had been quite a few weeks of lengthy and tiring rehearsals. Throughout this process, I had to be in constant collaboration with the fellow dancers in my dance group, as well as our dance leaders and the rest of the people who were in charge of the Kahaani event and the Kolkata GC.

At the beginning of the rehearsal process, when we were first assigned to our dance groups, I thought that the process was going to be quite challenging as I did not know many people in my dance group, and I was also participating in an Indian dance activity, which I was not too familiar with. However, throughout the many rehearsals, I got to know the people in my dance group and became very good friends with them – this therefore made the whole process a lot easier and much more enjoyable. It therefore became easier to collaborate with this group of people, and once we got to know each other, it was also easier for the dance leaders to be able to properly teach us the dance moves. The only thing that was slightly more challenging for me was the fact that I did not know my partner well, and it was therefore not too easy to be dancing with her as I was not as comfortable as I would have been with somebody that I knew.

I think that as a group, one of the biggest challenges that we had to face was distraction as well as calming down and being able to focus. We were quite a noisy group and I think that it was therefore quite hard for the dance leaders to be able to get everybody to quiet down and actually learn the steps to the dances. I definitely think that we would have been a lot more efficient as a group had we taken the time out to properly focus, and be less disruptive during the lunch time rehearsals that we had. I also think that making sure that we weren’t as loud and as distracted as we were during the rehearsals would have made the whole process more relaxing and enjoyable for our dance leaders. Towards the end of the rehearsal process, I think that as a group we finally managed to focus and make sure that we were prepared for the performance.

Although the rehearsal process was quite tiring, and it was sometimes extremely hard to focus and make sure that we were learning the steps properly, I think that this was a really good experience and I definitely enjoyed being able to participate in an activity that was out of my comfort zone. Overall, I really enjoyed participating in Kahaani.


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