Cancer Awareness GC Reflection #1

This is my first reflection for the GC that I am in, cancer awareness.

I have chosen to focus on learning outcome of collaboration (LO5). Our main goal is to raise awareness for cancer in school, as well as to fundraise for a non-profit organisation, The Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA) in Mumbai. This means that whatever funds that we make whilst selling goods, or organising activities, all go to the non-profit organisation that we are supporting. I am very interested in cancer research and ways that we could further our knowledge on how to cure cancer, as well as helping out those who are not able to afford treatment for cancer – this is one of the main reasons why I joined this GC. I wanted to contribute as much as I can towards helping this cause.

So far, I have really enjoyed being a part of this GC. There are quite a few of us that are interested in the same cause, and this means that we can all work together in order to make this a successful year for the GC, and in order for us to help the organisation as much as possible. Over the course of these past few weeks in the GC, I have had to work with people that I didn’t know, and that I hadn’t worked with before. I think that this was definitely a challenge for us at the beginning, since we had to start interacting from the start, in order to decide leadership roles and start planning for our events. Once we got past the first few sessions, we were successfully able to work together, and started planning our first event, Movember.

I got the leadership role of secretary with another classmate, and we therefore both work together to get the tasks done. Whenever we are given a task to complete, we are both able to work together, and we split tasks in order to get more done quickly. So far, we both haven’t faced any challenges, however, if one arises, then I know that we would be able to work together in order to solve it. I think that our GC is very organised in the way that roles are assigned – different groups of people are asked to do different things, and this way, we are able to get things done in a much more efficient way, and we are able to leave time for the things that require more effort. I think that collaboration is a really important aspect of our GC – without us working together, we won’t be able to complete any tasks, and we therefore won’t be able to achieve our goal. I definitely think that the fact that we are able to work well together will help make our GC more successful in the future.

In the future, in order to be a more effective team player, I will try to get more involved within the GC, and maybe take on some more tasks or responsibilities in order to challenge myself further. So far, I have really enjoyed my time in this GC, and I am excited to see what we are going to be able to do in the future, and how we are going to be able to help the CPAA.

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