Grand paradigms

Questions on paradigms and the video: In your view, how might the video relate to any of the ‘Grand Paradigms’ that we looked at today? I think that the video relates to some of the ‘Grand Paradigms’ that… Read More

Nacirema article – description

Here is a brief description of an aspect of our familiar world from a different point of view. It is a ritual that humans enjoy, to help relax them. Before entering the rectangular expanse of liquid, the humans… Read More

Privilege and paradigms

Links between the idea of privilege and paradigms A paradigm is a set of interrelated ideas which are used to make sense of one or more aspects of reality – it is the way that we perceive, think… Read More


Here is my conceptual understanding that emerges from this story and an explanation of it with reference to the story. Our perception of reality can be subjective – it is based upon our interpretations, which are often shaped… Read More

Reasoning and Perception

TOK reflection on reasoning and perception Perception is a lens that determines how humans interpret the world around us – it allows us to apprehend the physical world using our personal knowledge that is based on our beliefs… Read More

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