Peace-building Session with the Grade 5s on UN Day

Learning outcome 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

Our first hands on experience in IFP was to plan a mini conference like session with the Grade 5s. As tiny groups of fours or fives we came up with various unique plans to run the session, then each group proceeded to present their ideas and aims. We all included an interactive icebreaker activity, a main activity and a reflection activity in our individual plans. At the end we all rated the ideas and chose the most supported idea, which was a newly invented game by some of our IFP friends using blocks that symbolises money and wealth and divide the class into different socio-economic groups much like a simulation game.

Through this process, I gained first hand experience on how the thought process behind facilitating a peace conference may work, although it was on a different and smaller scale. It gave me an opportunity to plan and ponder unique ideas in collaboration with my teammates. It also introduced me to differences in ideas that arise in team planning and how to overcome them effectively and fairly.

Attached below is my group’s proposal form for the grade 5 IFP session.


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