Personal Statement

 My name is Victoria Baxter. I am Australian Dutch and have lived in Australia, Egypt, Spain and I currently live in Singapore. I am 15 years and I am not sure what I want to do in the future. I do know I enjoy school and I work hard to succeed in my subjects. There are many subjects I enjoy and I do not want to think too much about the future because as my Mum has said to me many times before “you don’t need to decide yet. Choosing one path will cause other doors to close and you should keep as many doors open as possible for now,” (she says something like that but different words).

So, for now, I am not limiting myself to the one plan. I will try to keep my three languages up, do well in the IGCSE subjects I have chosen (gpers, history and music) and those had to take. In the future, I will attempt to continue doing this in the IB. I will try to enjoy this period of my life as much as possible and try to make good choices for my IB subjects; not necessarily with a job or course of study in mind, but doing what I feel I am good at and what I enjoy. I still have a few years before graduating and going to university and there is, in my opinion, no need to start stressing over these important decisions so early.

I do not know what type of person I will become so I will just wait and see. My sister just graduated high school and is going to study law at university next year. She did not know what she wanted to be for the longest time. My sister has taught me a lot about different things but for me, this is one of the most useful things. When every day at this school I have people who already seem to know what they what to do and where they want to study. At times like those, it is useful to have an older sister. She tells me that according to her personal experience “almost everyone who says they know what they are doing now will change their mind at least once before they graduate.” This really helps me because I still have absolutely no idea about my future. And that was completely fine. My family has taught me that I do not need to rush into these decisions.

In conclusion, I am not limiting myself to focus on one path yet. I am keeping my options open and until I make a decision about my career plans my only goal is to do well in school so that I have the freedom to choose any job I want and go to any university I want.