About Me- Maths AA SL

My name is Victoria. My previous experience with Maths is that last year I completed both the normal IGCSE Maths course as well as the Add Maths. The reason why I chose to take this course for IB was that I struggle with the graphing calculator that I was told maths AI uses often and I am interested in styles of maths like algebra or calculus. I find the AA maths is usually quite logical once you understand it and that is how I think my brain tends to work as I enjoy logic and figuring out difficult math sums rather than strange word problems that require complex use of technology with the (often finicky and difficult to navigate) calculator.

For learning mathematics, I like taking detailed notes that I can look back on when doing homework this also helps keep me focused on the lessons. Which doesn’t tend to be a problem as I find genuine enjoyment in the subject.

My aims for this year are to stay organised especially in practising topics through homework. I also would like to try to be a bit of a leader in my small groups since as mentioned I took add maths so hopefully, I could help those in my groups especially since I enjoy that sort of collaborative work and I have been told that if you can teach part of a subject you truly understand it so hopefully, this would be a good method of consolidating my knowledge.

I really look forward to the next two years and learning maths in this class.

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