Rock-Climbing 1st reflection

I am so extremely happy to be doing rock climbing again. I first started doing the sport when I moved to Singapore in grade 6 and was part of the school’s first team to go to a competition. However, we did it off campus and due to COVID the activity shut down. Thankfully the activity has restarted. Unfortunately, it is on campus which is a shame because the school’s walls are not great but for the first time ever we have a professional coach who is teaching us techniques and setting us challenges. I really love the sport as I have been doing it for so long. I think perseverance is so important in climbing and so is having the right mindset as you keep trying to climb up the wall. There are few feelings of satisfaction quite like reaching the top of a difficult climb and I am glad I get to start enjoying that again. I was a little out of practice at the start but I think most of my skill has returned but there is always room to improve. Due to the limited size of these walls, I think my main challenge is bouldering as the coaches as able to challenge us in that respect which is good as that was always my weakest spot. Hopefully, competitions restart as it was a great experience last time as there was very little competitive spirit but rather supporting each other to do your best so it was a really friendly environment.

I think something that I want to work on is obviously my own climbing as that is the purpose of the activity but also the teamwork within it. Rock-climbing requires a lot of trust as you belay one another and ofter try to guide each other up the wall. I really want to help those I work with succeed as I know they will do the same for me.

History Society Second Reflection

History continues to be one of my favourite school activities. The group is super fun as they all enjoy the subject. This year we have made presentations on historical events which is always a good thing for me to do as being forced to present is often a little out of my comfort zone but with this group both those I am presenting with and it is not too difficult and I can see my self becoming more confident when I compare the ones this year to ones from grade 9. This year we also gathered historical sources that would give other students context to the Ukraine-Russia crisis. These were then shared with all of the high school. I think this was one of the most important things for us to do as keeping people informed and helping them understand is extremely important and history is a great tool for that. Finding historical maps on how the border has changed over the years to understand why the war started, and the ethics of the conflict in order to educate others was a really great experience, especially seeing it shared with so many people around the school. At the moment we are now starting a little book club within the activity where we read a text during the week and then discuss it in class. This is super interesting as reading sources is not only applicable to the subject as I have a source paper in the IBĀ  but reading a variety of different perspectives on different events with many being from textbooks or other academic writings is just a really interesting way to learn about events or discover arguments on the significance of history or the differences between different ideologies.

I think this activity is extremely valuable not only due to the importance of history but due to the research skills of finding articles, analysing readings and practising presenting. This as well as a really great atmosphere in the activity work to form really positive experiences.

Debate club second reflection

I did 2 seasons of debate however, after those 2 I decided not to continue with the activity. While I love debating I did not like how formulaic and repetitive all the sessions were. The atmosphere in the activity was also not great as many people hardly spoke and the group size shrunk a little more every week. However, I do think it was a valuable experience as I did try new styles of debate and as a person who is rather shy any activity where I have to speak formally in front of a class is quite good practice as stepping out of my comfort zone is important. I also liked discussing as a group what arguments to make on different sides of a motion (debate prompt) as figuring out what is most convincing was interesting as well as trying to decide my personal opinion on an issue and try to understand complex issues in order to form an argument. I really enjoy class debates and also have done a few in history society (one of my other CAS creativities that I am continuing to do) so I do plan to continue debating and furthering those skills there. I simply felt as though I needed another free afternoon for work as I recently started Rock-climbing again which took up another afternoon. Overall, it was a valuable experience where I worked on my public speaking and I am happy with how I performed within the activity and its debates while I was a part of it.

Piano second reflection

A lot has changed since the last reflection. At the start of learning grade 8, I used my sister’s old book (she started the grade but never finished it). However, the book ended in 2020 so you can no longer take an exam on it after 2021. I decided to not try the exam as due to many delays over the past 2 years due to IGCCSEs and the pandemic I did not feel ready. So in around December, I decided to get the new book. The new pieces are great and I really enjoy them. This gave me more motivation to practice as before I was feeling a little bit helpless. I have already finished one of my three pieces and will definitely try to keep this energy up. It was quite a difficult call to make as I had been working up to this exam for quite a while but I think it is the right call. I plan to soon take part in my teacher’s piano recital for the year so I want to near-perfect one of my pieces for that day and perform it well. This is a really good aim for me as performing live in front of multiple people is quite nerve-wracking for me and I think doing this is a good thing for me to do to grow as a pianist.