Nature & Nurture Debate

Write a paragraph to explain how significant genetics have been in influencing your identity.

What do you think now about the role of genetics in determining your character?

The role of genetics would come under the wide category of nature. Nature does play a big part in a persons character and the DNA genetics of a human which could potentially determine someones gender or sexuality and even diseases or illnesses. However, nurture would then contribute largely as majority of a persons life revolves around their environment. Genetics would contribute to the being as it is part of them, such as the hands proportion in relation to being gay or straight. Nevertheless, it is not the only way as if they were raised in a certain environment or with certain friends, they could potentially have a shift in character.

Has the information you have heard changed your mind or confirmed your beliefs?

I believe, personally, that a persons character would strongly depend on both when it comes to gender. Gender is something a person is born with and the hormones or genetics of a certain gender will always play a dominant role in their lives. However, nurture also plays a very big role in the development of ones character as the experiences and past a person has also contributed to their views and opinions on situations. Therefore, I feel that both nature and nurture contribute to the shaping of a person as both are part of a persons life.

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