How am I going to make Grade 12 a successful, fulfilling experience?

I think that I need to be open-minded and expect challenges and take them positively by understanding that part of IB is challenged.  I also have to be positive with what comes to me and learn from my experiences. I think that I should seek advice from friends and family as well. My friends are in the same boat and my parents have experience with stress which would definitely be helpful and motivating for me. Building relationships would push me to succeed in school because I would have 3motinal m0otovation to go to school because I would recognise that there is more to IB than studies and that I have many things to look forward to. I want to avoid getting upset with myself because it demotivates me which spirals for the worse. I should be more lenient with myself but also have the determination and will within myself to push myself but not too much or not in the wrong way which wouldn’t benefit me.

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