Relationship bank account

Reflection #2

There’s a girl that sits on my table who doesn’t like me because she thinks that I’m intruding into her group of friends. I only recently started sitting with them so she feels that I don’t have the right to sit with them since they have been friends for more than 3 years and I just joined in because I was friends with some of the people in the group. I could find something we have in common, for example dancing because we both love to participate in events like culturama and kahaani. We could bond over that and she could actually get to know me instead of having bad impressions of me.

TOK HW: WOK bad decisions ted talk

Dan Gilbert talked about how a person wouldn’t be willing to buy another ticket when they lost their first one. In another scenario, however, he talks about how we would buy another ticket if $20 was lost and we had enough for the movie. I found that I have honestly done this even though the value and outcome are the same since I lost the exact same amount of money, by buying and losing a ticket or by losing the money (in which the values lost are $20 for both).


Another example would be comparing to the past which is also something I have done many times before.

Since we see that the price decreased to $700 before and then increased to $1500, makes us not want to buy the item because it was much cheaper so it is worse in comparison to the previous deal. However, paying $1500 is better than $1600 or $2000 but I personally also wouldn’t have bought that just because it used to be a much lower price. I have done this with quite a few things like certain sales which have the same item for sale but different prices. For example, the shirt was $20 but in the first sale it dropped to $5, and then in the second sale became $10. I wouldn’t buy it just because I knew that it was a lower price and I would feel like they increased their prices even though they decreased it.

TOK HW: Mathematical Method

The Mathematical Method involves things that we understand as truths like the fact that 1+1=2 and the fact that each number hold its own value like 1 ≠ 2. Maths uses both inductive and deductive reasoning but the fact that these numbers and signs are made by us proves that it is made only for us because animals don’t seem to use this form of understanding. Whether this is because we are more developed or just to make things easier for ourselves. Since the “truths” is maths are made by us for us, could show that these truths aren’t actual truths because they aren’t real facts, they’re facts because we made them facts. For example, 2D math and 3D math don’t hold the same rules. There is a rule in maths that states that the angles in a triangle cannot add up to more than 180 degrees but the fact that the angles of a 3D triangle could definitely add up to more than 180 degreed proves that the truths aren’t actual truths, we just made them suit our understanding and capability. Although these axioms are somewhat made up, they haveprovidedd humans with alot of information and have been very useful. Maths can be seen and used in out daily lives in terms of money, time and many more things.

The scientific method and the mathematical method have a contrasting way of understanding and coming to a conclusion. The difference is in the origins of both the methods. While the scientific method came about from attempting to find better ways to survive that has eventually led to a whole spectrum of discovery, the mathematical method simply came about from humans attempting to add quantities. In a way, science is based on simply what already exists, but math seems to be able to create new solutions to certain problems or scenarios which might also be made up.


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