Culturama 2019 initial reflection


While preparing for culturama,  I understand that it is a very big commitment. Therefore, I have to put a lot of time aside for it but also make time for studying. This is personally quite challenging because grade 11 has just started and I am still settling into IB. Furthermore, I was in FIB last year, with the same few people the whole year round, so having so many people to interact with in school was a very good way to get me more comfortable with my environment. My leaders are in the grade above and they are very understanding, making me come out of my comfort zone. By understanding the balance between studies and activities earlier in the year, I was able to adjust much better to the rest of the year with activities alongside my studying. I felt like I understood how to prioritise my actions as I could not let culturama distract me but I also had to commit to it. By talking to my leaders and friends about how to manage my time, I was able to build relationships alongside developing my time management skills.

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