Pre Season Touch Initial Reflection

  • Any important information about the experience
  • Your goals for the experience
  • Your initial thoughts


I wanted to try out a sport that I have never played before and I felt that preseason touch was a good way to achieve that goal. I want to be able to step out of my comfort zone and learn new techniques on passes and the rules of the sport. I have not done any pre-season sports before, furthermore, the activity was in the morning before school started. Both these things were my concerns going into the sport. I think that I might let the timing of the activity affect my performance since it is so early in the morning. However, I have decided to sign up with a few of my friends which will encourage me to actively take part in the sport by reminding each other and helping one another during and outside the sport. I hope to build relationships with my teammates and I understand that not all of them will be in my grade so I would be able to get to know people from other grades which I look forward to.



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