#1: The African chief from a neighbouring tribe who arranged a raiding party to capture slaves and trade them for guns

I think that the chiefs who captured the slaves are to blame because to meet the demands, a supply is needed but if the supply was not as reliable, the demand would decrease. The Africans supplied these slaves to the white people which is the start of the whole cycle as there would be no slave trade if there were no slaves being provided in the first place.

#2: The auctioneer who sold the slaves at an auction in America 

The auctioneer continues this cycle by taking these slaves and selling them off. I believe that this is second worst by how immoral it is to sell off humans as if they were objects. It is not justifiable now, or at that time, to treat someone so lowly as dehumanising them. He also had the place to set these slaves free if he thought that slave trade was wrong.

#3: The foreman at the pantati0on who was in charge of managing slaves and beat them when they disobeyed him

The foreman would also be responsible for the ruthless treatment of the slaves and is definitely to blame because he was in the position to hurt and torture the people. The torture plays a major part in slave trade which makes the torturers more responsible for the trade and treatment of the slaves.

#4: The plantation owner who bought the slaves for his plantation

Since trade is a two-way process involving the seller and the buyer. Therefore, the buyer is 4th most responsible because they complete the trade cycle. He isn’t before #3 because they didn’t torture any people.

#5: the captain of this ship who transported the slaves to the Americans 

The captain leads the ship and gives out instructions so he is in the position to tell the people om the ship to hurt the slaves.

#6: The politician in the British government who voted against the abolition of slavery when the bill was debated the president

The people who didn’t support the end of slave trade allowed the system to go on and continue longer than it had to go on. These people are responsible for the continuation of the harsh treatment of the people and the trade.

#7:  The mill owner in Liverpool who brought cheap cotton and spun it into cloth in his factory

He simply used his resources to provide the supply for the demand for cheap cotton clothes

#8: The gunsmith who manufactured the guns that were sold in Africa.

just providing for the people who wanted guns and not aware or responsible for how it is used

Leningrad Siege

In the summer of 1941, Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa. The attack on Leningrad (also known as St. Petersburg) was one of the initial targets of the German invasion. This invasion was one of the longest and most gruesome sieges. The objective of this operation was to make the whole city starve to death. The whole operation was ruthless and inhumane.

First, we discussed whether eating corpses was morally right. Annie and I thought that the bodies would go to waste anyway so it is in fact very resourceful of them to eat those bodies. So we said that eating the corpses would be moral and skilful but killing someone and eating them is morally incorrect. A lot of the class also agreed on this thought. Will also brought up that when put in such critical situations, humans will dilute down to their original forms as animals fighting for survival. This is also why I do not think that feeding on the corpses is wrong when placed in these kinds of extreme conditions. Another very interesting point Yeon Seo raised was that in this situation one could either eat or get eaten as if they don’t eat, they would die and people would eat them so eating sounds like a better solution to starvation.

Another one of our main discussions was if we were in charge of the food provided, how would we divide it and why. So at first, Annie thought that the mothers should get the food because, without them, there would be no kids. However, I thought that the food should be given to the kids because they are young and cannot provide or fight for themselves so they need that kind of support. Through the discussion though, we found out that our choices were quite silly. This is because many points were brought up about providing people who are capable with food instead of the weak. So we eliminated old, sick and young kids or babies. We then decided that the men and teenagers who had energy and the health to carry on were given the priority and the ones that were weaker were not as relevant. Then we thought that the workers should get more food because they are exerting more energy into labour (whether they are doctors or soldiers) without assuming that they will do their jobs thoroughly and keep the population safe.


War through a screen

When a movie is made, it has specific messages and impacts that are portrayed through the medium of a screen. This way the audience is engaged due to the visual and sound effect of the movie. This would not enable the audience to understand the conditions and environment during the war but it would definitely allow us to have a wider understanding of the situation and conditions. Movies usually create an understanding between the crowd and the topic of the movie whether it be on love, horror or war.

Although movies about war do not fully justify the war entirely, it does serve the purpose of educating the public. As many of us have learnt and read about the war, most people crave a visual representation of the situation. Now that we have the resources to illustrate the visuals, it would be more appealing to people which would overall increase general knowledge on war. However, there are some things about movies on a trivial topic which glorify the realism of war. This could be in ways such as making everyone in the movie attractive and visually appealing which tend to mislead the audience’s reason to watch the movie. The glorification could also be expressed how certain situations are depicted wether it be more emotional or intense. An example to portray all these would be Dunkirk. It made me sympathise with the characters and I was deeply moved by the acting and the scenes the chose to include as well as their intensity and suspense as well as loss. I also got to have a clearer and new found knowledge on the world war 2 (i think it was ww2). However, in all honestly, one of the main reasons I watched was because of one of the main characters in it, Harry Styles. He was part of a band loved by many teenage girls and casting him would definitely appeal to a new kind of audience which might not have watched the movie otherwise.

Top 3 UN goals

Goal #2: zero hunger 

I feel like this goal is very important because one everyone is fed healthy and fit, the population would overall be more productive. This would also allow healthy offsprings and a more sustainable and healthy, stable citizens

Goal #4: Quality education

Once everyone is educated and supplied with sufficient education, the population would be more capable and more aware of their actions which would cause people to make use of sustainable sources of energy allowing the environment to become a more sustainable environment with wiser and effective citizens.

Goal #4: Clean water and sanitation

This also adds on to the point of health majority of people who live in developing countries have weak immune systems due to their lack of clean water. Water is also a daily necessity which should be accessible to everyone.

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